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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Renee Richards

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Renee Richards is from Humboldt, AZ


Sharon Smith:

Father’s Day. One of the most dreaded days of the year when you have lost a child. My birthday was two days prior and I told my husband the only gift I wanted was to see Renee Richards at the Unity Church in Phoenix which happened to fall on Father’s Day. Not quite being a believer and receiving very few signs, if any, although his grief clouds anything that could be there, he agreed to go with me. As we are walking out the door, I am practically begging my daughter to please give her dad something, whether it be big or small.

We get in the car, the radio comes on, and her favorite song “Imagine” which is tattooed on her back and words she lived by, immediately starts playing. He just looks at me like ok it could be a coincidence. We arrive at the church and sign in. There are a few sign in sheets but for some reason he chose the one that had another parents email right above ours which had an address of 831 in it (we both have 831 tattoos now). Our daughters favorite way of saying I love you to her dad. Eight letters, three words, one meaning. He shows the sign in sheet to me but again he says it could be a coincidence.

Now we are sitting down and Renee is doing some incredible readings with other parents and all of a sudden from the back of the room she asks if there are any parents whose child was involved in a helicopter crash. I couldn’t catch my breath and my husband was speechless. Renee continued on with telling us she was hearing the sound of the helicopter which was familiar to her because her husband was involved with Huey helicopters during the Vietnam war. Our daughter was killed in a Huey coming back from an airshow with old military aircraft in Sedona.

Renee proceeded to tell us how she is surrounded by animals which isn’t out of the ordinary for most children, but she went on to tell us that there is a certain place she visits all the time and sits with the animals. Right after our daughter’s transition, we wanted to do something to keep her legacy alive and we thought what could be better than saving the animals, something she had done most of her short life. We found a no-kill rescue, Foothills Animal Rescue, that really needed help and thus began the FAR Brynne Smith Memorial Campus. Knowing now from Renee that she visits the facility regularly, I’m thinking she approves. Not so much with having her name on the building (her bff’s tell me she would be really embarrassed) but its our way of showing her she will never be forgotten and she continues to do amazing things.

There’s much more personal mentions from Renee that I will hold dear in my heart, but i wanted to share this experience with the other parents in our group. Hope is not gone and neither are our children! I’ve always been a believer and Renee Richards is not only one of the most kindest, caring women I have ever met, she is the real deal. As for my non-believing husband, he had the best Father’s Day in a very long time. He’s also told me to book another reading with Renee as soon as I can. Love and comfort to all!

Sharon Smith
Brynne’s mom

Rosemarie Cruse:

I was so blessed to meet Renee Richards a gifted Psychic/ Medium and Spiritual Adviser at Helping Parents Heal monthly meeting at Unity of Phoenic center, and it was an awesome experience.

During her reading Renee connected with my daughter Amanda, my Dad after 34 years which was so appropriate for Father’s day. She decribed my Dad to the tee. She told me about Amanda which was spot on and only I knew.

I was in awe and speechless. Her love, healing and compassion is just out of this world.

Renee is a beautiful Soul who loves what she does with so much passion, and was able to do over 20 validations with the group. She touched me in many ways about Amanda and made me stronger to be light to overcome my grief and touch others through her.

Love you Renee Richards
Rosemarie – Amanda’s mom

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