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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

Resources to Help You Heal

Our Mission:

Helping Parents Heal is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting bereaved parents. Through support and resources, we aspire to help individuals become "Shining Light Parents," meaning a shift from a state of emotional heaviness to hopefulness and greater peace of mind. HPH goes a step beyond other groups by allowing the open discussion of spiritual experiences and afterlife evidence in a non-dogmatic way. HPH welcomes everyone regardless of religious or non-religious background and encourages open dialog.

Affiliate Support Group Meetings

Bringing Shining Light parents together can be most helpful. In this safe environment, people can talk about their child, speak about their spiritual experiences, hug, and be hugged! To connect with others in your area see our affiliate groups page.  During the pandemic, we have had to rely on Zoom meetings, but we hope to start in-person meetings once everyone is vaccinated.

Caring Listeners

Our wonderful Caring Listeners are willing to talk in person, by phone, or on a video-conference call like Skype or Zoom. They each are volunteer parents who have gone done the healing path a bit further and who reach a hand back to help others forward. We have Spanish-Speaking, French-speaking, Italian-Speaking, Cantonese-Speaking, Romanian-Speaking and Hindi-Speaking and Russian-Speaking Caring Listeners as well.

YouTube Videos

Our site includes over 650 YouTube videos by talented Presenters from the Grief and Afterlife communities.  They are divided into 13 easily-accessible categories.  Please take a look!

Tributes for Our Children

Please add your children to the Tributes page of our website so that we can remember them on their Birthdays and Angel Dates.  Our Password is Everest.

Monthly Newsletter

The Helping Parents Heal newsletter is a space that allows us to share our amazing children, and stories of validation and spiritual growth. We hope that it will bring some peace and comfort to you and your loved ones. Please be sure to sign up on the Home Page!

Recommended Providers and Books

Please take a look at the different web pages to find Providers, including Evidential Mediums, Healers, Spiritual Teachers and Therapists, who have been recommended by parents, as well as uplifting, healing books by both parents and Providers.


Board Members

President & Co-Founder, Newsletter Editor

Elizabeth Boisson

President & Co-Founder, Newsletter Editor

Elizabeth has four children, two of whom are in Spirit: Chelsea, who passed when she was two days old in France, and Morgan, who transitioned at the Base Camp of Mount Everest in Tibet while on a university exchange program when he was 20 years old. She also has two beautiful daughters: Alix, 31, and Christine, 29. Elizabeth is the Affiliate Leader of the Phoenix/Scottsdale group, a Caring Listener, and publishes the HPH monthly newsletter. She attended and taught at UNC-Chapel Hill for undergraduate and graduate school and at the Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier, France. Elizabeth is the compiling author of Life to Afterlife - Helping Parents Heal, The Book. She is also a certified yoga instructor and teaches healing yoga.  

Vice President  & Conference Director

Irene Vouvalides

Vice President & Conference Director

Irene's best friend and only child, her beautiful daughter Carly, passed to esophageal-gastric cancer. Like so many of us, this devastating experience sent her on a spiritual quest. She has found friends and comfort through Helping Parents Heal. She created a foundation in Carly's honor- Carly’s Kids A Foundation For Education. Please visit: Carly’s Kids.  She is the Affiliate Leader of the Hilton Head/Bluffton HPH group, as well as the Vice President, a Caring Listener and the Conference Director.

Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board

Mark Ireland

Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board

Author of Soul Shift: Finding Where the Dead Go, and Messages from the Afterlife, accounts of his quest for answers about life, death, and life after death following the passing of his 18 year-old son Brandon. Mark joined Elizabeth in 2012 to form Helping Parents Heal.


Doryce Norwood


After losing her daughter and grand-daughter to an accident caused by a drunk driver, Doryce, gave support to MADD, and the Donor Network of AZ, and is now a key member of Helping Parents Heal.

Board Member

Ernie Jackson

Board Member

When Ernie’s son, Quinton transitioned in an accident and immediately demonstrated that “he still is”, Ernie's view of a lifetime changed forever! Ernie's books, Quinton’s Messages and Quinton’s Legacy share this divine knowledge.  Ernie is also a Caring Listener for HPH.

Board Member

Brian Smith

Board Member

Brian’s daughter Shayna passed at the age of 15. Brian had been studying death and the afterlife for nearly two decades. Since Shayna’s passing, Brian has made it his mission to help others dealing with death and a fear of death.

Brian is a volunteer with the SoulPhone project, and a volunteer with Greater Reality Living. He is also the author of a book, 'Grief to Growth', and has a podcast by the same name.

Board Member

Jeff Hollahan

Board Member

Jeff Hollahan and his wife, Lynn lost their son, Devon, to a random act of violence in November of 2009 and became early members of Helping Parents Heal. Since that time, Devon has provided repeated validations of his presence in their lives. It’s Jeff’s goal to help other parents reach the same level of joy he and Lynn have found from the realization that our children are just a thought away!

Board Member

Carol Allen

Board Member

Carol is the author of "Mom, I'm Not Gone": Tyler Lives! She and her husband Tony raised their two boys in Cave Creek, AZ. Carol became very involved in Helping Parents Heal when their 19 year old son Tyler passed in a motorcycle accident in 2015.
It sent her on a spiritual journey which has become a huge part of her life. She wants to help others find joy again and realize our kids are here! Carol is now an Affiliate Leader in Cave Creek as well as a Caring Listener for HPH. She also hosts our book club meeting quarterly.
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Laurie Savoie


Laurie is married to Tom & the proud Mom of three kids. She became involved with HPH after her son Garrett took his life in 2010. She has focused her grief and loss to helping others: becoming HPH Secretary & a Caring Listener, doing Reiki with Messages at Eric’s House, certified by Susanne Wilson in Mediumship and Conscious Channeling. Laurie is in 'Life to AfterLife' documentaries: 'Mom Can You Hear Me?' and 'I Want to Talk to the Dead' & is the author of the book 'The Ripple Effect: Invisible Impact of Suicide'. Laurie helps others to see that our loved ones are right here!

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Our Awesome Helping Parents Heal Board at our Third Helping Parents Heal Conference in August 2024

Photo: Shining Light Dad Rick Wilcoxson

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