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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

Resources from Shining Light Parents

& Dr. Mark Pitstick

We hope you regularly use the following resources and share them with others.

Website home page: 

Note: there are many resources on this site so please take the time to familiarize yourself.  For example, under the Affiliate Groups tab, you’ll find resources for siblings, dads, special interest groups, and more. 

Caring Listener and Affiliate Leader interviews:




HPH Books
Life to Afterlife: Helping Parents Heal, The Book

Helping Fathers Heal: Grief, Hope, and Our Search for Connection

Shining Light Parents Speak: Wisdom and Inspiration from Helping Parents Heal Leaders

HPH Movie: Life to Afterlife: Mom, Can You Hear Me? (Available at Amazon and free on YouTube

Join the Helping Parents Heal Facebook Group to access all the online and in-person events. There is a main group: and hundreds of Affiliate Groups available.

Join a Local HPH Group: If there is no local group nearby to attend in-person meetings, you are welcome to join any HPH Affiliate group that offers online meetings. You can even consider starting one if that feels right for you.

Talk with Caring Listeners: This free service is provided by parents who have gone through ‘the dark night of the soul’ and are now Shining Light Parents. They share what worked for them, listen with care, and suggest resources.

Attend Online Meetings: Attend online meetings that are open to all HPH members; one or more HPH webinars are held on weekday evenings. Hear a variety of experts on afterlife, healing, and contacting your children.

Watch Interviews with Affiliate Leaders and Caring Listeners: These parents share so much hope, inspiration, and practical steps for healing and transforming that it’s listed twice!

Read Free Articles at to answer your biggest questions and provide holistic solutions for your toughest challenges. Most helpful for HPH members have been:
         #1 Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death Is NOT the End of Life

         #2 When Children Change Worlds

         #4 When a Loved One Passes On by Suicide

         #9 Visiting ‘Departed’ Loved Ones Now

         #25 Pre-Birth Planning: Did I REALLY Choose All This?

         #27 When a Loved One’s Earthly Body Is Murdered . . .

         #28 Afterlife Contacts

         #60 Clinical Evidence That Life Continues After Physical Death

         #70 Holistic Breathing Technique

         #71 Ask Your Soul, Angels, and G.O.D.

         #78 Why Did God Take My Loved One?!

         #82 Journey FROM Deeply Grieving TO Shining Light

         #93 For Grieving Parents and Family Members

         #108 Higher Energies, Emotions, and Ways of Being

         #109 Moving FROM Deep Grieving TO Healing and Transformation

         #115 Firsthand Experience Evidence for Life After Death

Listen to Free Interviews with top experts about life and afterlife: guests interviewed include Wayne Dyer, Raymond Moody, Anita Moorjani, Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Caroline Myss, Gary Schwartz, and other luminaries. One of the questions often asked was, “What do you say to parents with children who passed on?” 

Use Free Experiential Sessions from HPH classes:
         1. Holistic Breathing Technique (#70) Start with this as directed for one month to release lower energies and emotions such as anger, hopelessness, guilt, and more. To access this video, visit:

         2. Ask Your Soul, Angels, and G.O.D. (#71) Add this session and continue (7a) as recommended. This one helps you access guidance and assistance from your higher self, your spiritual support team, and The Light. You can optimally heal, transform, serve others, and create more meaning to your child’s life.

         3. Facilitated Afterlife Contact (#9) After a month of using #1 and two months of #2, you should feel more peaceful and clear. At that point, you’ll be more likely to sense your child's living presence using this technique.

         4. Pre-Birth Planning (#25) This session allows you to explore whether your higher self may have chosen the possibility of adversity including the bodily death of your child. If so, what were your goals for planning that?  How can you fulfill those and create more meaning from what appears to be – from a limited human perspective – a senseless tragedy?

Get Personalized Answers and Holistic Solutions: As long as his schedule allows, Dr. Mark Pitstick will email brief but informative and resource-packed replies to parents, siblings, and other close family members member at no charge.  Email him at with your biggest questions and toughest challenges.      

Note: Mark's inexpensive audio products, books, and documentary film can help you optimally heal, transform, and discover and share silver linings to your child’s bodily death.  If you cannot afford them, email him at for complimentary digital products.

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