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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

Member Book Recommendations

MEMBER BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS: The following books have already been read by other HPH members and have been found to be comforting and useful. Please note these books are merely recommendations and not endorsed by HPH but rather just being offered as another possible healing resource for you to consider.

You can click on a book for review and if desired purchase the book on Amazon.

*Please note: Life to Afterlife - Helping Parents Heal, The Book, based on the documentary by Craig McMahon, was written by parents of Helping Parents Heal.  Every penny earned from the sale of the book go to Helping Parents Heal, Inc.

Life to Afterlife - Helping Parents Heal, The Book
Helping Fathers Heal
Soul Shift
Still Right Here
The Persistence of the Soul
"Mom, I'm Not Gone": Tyler Lives
Quinton's Messages
We're Not Done Yet, Pops
Gathering at the Doorway
The Truth Inside: Lessons From My Daughter in the Afterlife
Messages of Hope
Wolf's Message
Hello from Heaven
Resilient Grieving
Quinton's Legacy
Grief 2 Growth
The Ripple Effect
The Navigator
Becoming Radiant
My Search For Christopher on the Other Side
Conversations with Chloe
21 Day Doorway Across the Veil
Permission to Mourn
Journey to The Upper Realm
The Myth of Dying
 But Should the Angels Call For Him
From Grief to Growth
Walking On Sunshine
Look Around
Angels Three
The Course in Miracles Experiment
Shift: The Spiritual Awakening of a Grieving Father
We Never Left You
Finding Davey
To Heaven and Back: A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again: A True Story
I Knew Their Hearts
Suffering is the Only Honest Work
How to Live When You Want to Die
Always Remember to Kiss Me Goodnight
Finding Meaning
In the Silence
Second Life: An Atheist's Journey to Spirituality
The River
One Year After
Entering the Light Fantastic
Beautiful Tragedy
Lost and Found
Relentless: From Both Sides of the Veil
Love Never Dies
Learning to Dance in the Rain
Pennies From Heaven
From Heroin to Hope: Making Sense of the Loss of a Child
Winks from Heaven
Leave Your Light On
Choose to Believe
The Infinite Bond
Still Life: A Memoir
Just One Little Thing
Forever Ours
Magical Thinking...not
Spirit Son
From Death to Life
Find The Helpers
Encircled by the Light Fantastic
When the Veil Comes Down
Because of Josiah
Wisdom of Souls
Together Forever
Finding Aaron
Aaron's Energy
When the Psychology Professor Met the Minister
The Spirit Connection
The Beauty of a Grieving Mom
The Place Between Here and There
Grief Warrior
A Mother's Walk with Grief
Demystifying Mediumship
A Mother's Journey
Gathering at the Doorway
Never Miss a Chance to Shut Up
Life After Kevin
Walking in the Light of Our Kids
Melodies of Grief Written in the Key of Love
Rainbow Hair
Love Untethered
Remember All That Is
Morning Cup of Jo
Where the Yellow Flowers Bloom
Living and Loving Every Day
A Bird Called Wisdom
Conversations with My Child
Embracing Grief
My View From Heaven
Finding Love and Purpose
The After Journey
Beautiful Gift
Finding Michael
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