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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About David Router

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For more than thirty years internationally recognized,  Australian native David Router has shared his exceptional gifts and insights. Considered a “Master” Consciousness / Energy Coach and Healer’s Healer by this who have experienced his work. David created a series of functional conscious exercises, Reflective Body Mechanics™. 

David is able to see energy which enables him to guide participants to connect and activate your subconscious to release embedded patterns of behavior which have restricted your ability to change life patterns. Once released you are able to reconnect to and open functional consciousness into your everyday life which enables you to experience stronger intuition and more productive and peaceful life.

David is dedicated to helping others heal from the effects of psycho-emotional, spiritual and physical trauma and to regain the ability to lead their lives with inner peace and clarity.

To learn more about David and book a healing session, visit his website at


Healing from the Trauma of Loss

This workshop is designed for participants that have experienced the trauma of deep grief. David will guide participants through a series of deep consciousness and self-healing exercises to enable participants to reconnect to one’s senses and personal self-love energy that was detuned and lost when their loved one transitioned.

These exercises will also help to release the reoccurring heavyweight you are aware of consciously and unaware of what lies in your subconsciousness that is impacting your daily life. Through these exercises, you begin to calm the over-busy mind and reduce the constant exhaustion and feelings of depletion. The result will be more inner peace as a result of less mind chatter which will enhance your ability to sleep and improve how you feel throughout the day. Reconnecting to yourself love will enable you to begin the journey to heal, strengthen intuition and your ability to experience the synchronicities in your life that will enhance your life.

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