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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About Debra Martin

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Breakout: Mini Healing Session

Debra Martin will share her story of her three NDE’s, one of which she transcended where she had a one on one conversation with the Divine. Learn how she came back with a new mission.

Come experience a "Mini Healing Session" where Debra will gather your children in Spirit. Her intention is that everyone will receive a gift from their children.

Debra's natural gift of clairvoyance first occurred when she was an adolescent. Though Debra certainly did not comprehend the magnitude of her gift, her ability to communicate with the spirit world was evolving. Once an adult, and with the encouragement of researchers Drs. Julie Beischel and Gary Schwartz, Debra emerged as a much- respected Medium.

Always following her kind, loving intention, Debra began sharing this gift with others, relaying messages from loved ones who have crossed over. Debra soon discovered that channeling these messages from the deceased with those that were left behind assisted in the healing process, giving a sense of peace and comfort.

To learn more about Debra or to book her for any sessions, visit her website at

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