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About Dr. Gary Schwartz

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Dr. Gary Schwartz received his PhD at Harvard University, served as a tenured Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at Yale University, and has been a Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Surgery at the University of Arizona for more than three decades, where he directs the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.  He is internationally known for his research bridging psychology, medicine, and spirituality.  He has published more than 500 papers, including six in the journal Science, co-edited more than a dozen academic books, and written more than a dozen books for the public, including The Afterlife Experiments, The Energy Healing Experiments, and The G.O.D. Experiments.  For more than a decade, Dr. Schwartz and his colleagues have been attempting to create a practical device to make it possible for us, in the physical, to communicate with those in the greater reality, including post-material persons and higher beings.  To learn about the laboratory's SoulPhone research and related high consciousness science, please visit



The New Science of the Soul 
Dr. Gary Schwartz reveals some of the latest discoveries from mediumship and the SoulPhone research which provide hope for all of us - both here and 'there'. 
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