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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Dr. Jeff O'Driscoll

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Jeff O'Driscoll, MD, received his training at the University of Utah School of Medicine and completed his residency in Salt Lake City, UT. He is board certified in internal medicine and is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians, with twenty-five years of experience as an emergency physician in a level-one trauma center. In his professional experience, Dr. O’Driscoll frequently communicated with spirits who hovered between this life and the next. He saw people leave their bodies at the time of death and he experienced eternity with them. In the emergency department of a major trauma center, Jeff O’Driscoll, MD, frequently communicated with spirits who hovered between this life and the next. He saw people leave their bodies at the time of death and he experienced eternity with them. In his fascinating memoir, 'Not Yet', Dr. O’Driscoll describes his otherworldly communications that began in childhood, shortly after the farm accident that took the life of his older brother. His experiences are both interesting and instructive. For those who wish to develop their spiritual gifts, this book is a must read.



Lessons in Healing: Things I Learned from My Daughter


In May 2023, Doctor Jeff’s 32-year-old daughter, a seemingly healthy neonatal flight nurse with a loving husband and two small children, was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Rachel managed her diagnosis and the final six months of her life with such grace and courage she inspired friends and family to view death as the beautiful miracle it truly is. Before her transition and after, Rachel offered miracles, lessons, and signs that can sustain us in our grief and help us heal one another. This presentation is not simply a tribute to Rachel; it’s a course in moving from grief to gratitude.


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