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About Gordon Smith

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Gordon Smith 
International Medium, Public Figure, Author.  Hailed by the UK's media as "Britain's most accurate medium", there is no doubt that Gordon Smith is the "Real Deal".  Gordon has been the subject of seven years of testing at Glasgow University by emeritus Professor Archie Roy - Head of Scottish Society of Psychical Research, whose findings were published in three scientific journals.  Internationally recognized as one of the world's leading psychic mediums, spiritual teachers and author of 23 books, which have sold over a million copies in many different languages,  has earned Gordon the reputation of being an authentic all-round expert in spiritual awareness and psychic studies .  Gordon has developed his outstanding natural ability under the tutelage of some of the most sought after mediums, including the legendary Albert Best, who is widely acknowledged as one of the best mediums of the twentieth century.  Gordon's reputation of being accurate and authentic has meant that he is constantly in demand, presenting as well as featuring in numerous television documentaries and shows about the paranormal, for broadcasters,  such as the BBC, ITV, Sky, Living and Bio Channel.  Developing his own self-awareness training programs, has seen Gordon travel the world many times, demonstrating his mediumship and teaching international students.  These teachings have been converted into highly successful online courses which attract thousands of students from around the globe and who are just as much attracted to his charismatic nature, which they insist brings a sense of healing and restores balance in their lives.  Please visit Gordon's website:



You Can't Die For The Life of You

Live demonstration of Mediumship


Dad's Group Meeting

Q & A - Gordon Smith

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