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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Ingrid Honkala PhD

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Ingrid Honkala, PhD
Author, Scientist, Light Worker, International Speaker
Sharing the Light of Loving-Awareness is my Soul’s Purpose

Ingrid Honkala, PhD, marine biologist, formal NASA oceanographer, and international speaker, has had multiple spiritual transformative experiences, including two near-death experiences in childhood and adulthood, and many other close encounters with death. Dr. Ingrid was born in Bogota, Colombia, where she grew up with her parents and three sisters. From the moment of her first NDE at the age of two, Ingrid was aware of other dimensions of life than those most of us normally experience. She was also gifted with the wise input of Beings of Light who gave her invaluable insights and assistance as she faced the challenges of growing up and finding her professional destiny as an oceanographer and now as a giver of light. Throughout her life journey from her native Colombia to Europe and her eventual home in the USA — and from a deadly war zone to underwater explorations and a NASA research center — Ingrid shares how any human experience can be illumined from within when we are in alignment with inner-guidance. In her autobiography, “A Brightly Guided Life: How a Scientist Learned to Hear her Inner Wisdom,” Ingrid details her amazing journey with the Beings of Light.


Divine Guidance from Beings of Light and the Afterlife.:

In this presentation, you will discover how during Ingrid’s near-death experience (NDE), while navigating in the spirit realm, she saw her mom who was about 10 min away from the place where Ingrid was drowning, and thanks to the strong connection between them, her mom was able to sense Ingrid’s presence. And then, by following her intuition and inner guidance she was able to find Ingrid’s lifeless body sunk at the bottom of a tank filled with frigid water, and to save her. Ingrid came back from the other realm to confirm that connection and communication between realms is absolutely real. 

When she grew up, Ingrid had a second NDE and not long after the Beings of Light revealed to her that one of the purposes of her NDEs was to bring back the message of the importance of connection which is essential to reuniting with our neighbors in Oneness. True Connection can only be achieved through Unconditional Love. Nowadays Ingrid is still communicating and learning from the Beings of Light and the spirit realm.


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