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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Isabella Johnson

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Worldwide Soul Reading Medium Isabella: Isabella is an advanced fourth generation intuitive who brings her experience, gifts and guides into the current moment in time. She is able to assist, with the help of Spirit and Guides, to connect with those around you in this life, or those who have passed onto the spirit world. She is a clairvoyant who channels messages, bringing your unanswered questions to light and completing the circle of enlightenment to you.

Her skills have also been used professionally with remote viewing, empath and psychometry’s (ability to obtain information from objects). Working with search and rescue groups, missing and endangered persons she has been able to add her skills in locating missing persons and clues to their disappearance, helping professionals resolve cases. The ability to connect with the deceased and find their crime scene, points of recognition or markers, visualizing from the deceased those moments that provide insight to solve the case now have become valuable assets to family and law professionals.

With over 35 years’ experience she has assisted people to receive clarity and messages from loved ones departed. She has the gift of reading one’s soul, the real true life essence of who we are and why we are here. Explaining why we’ve chosen partners in this life and what past karmic ties us to them now. As a healer she shifts and removes negative energy stagnated within the relationship, giving clearer pathways to move forward in life.


Gallery Readings:

Isabella will be doing Gallery Readings during the conference.

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