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About James Van Praagh

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James Van Praagh is hailed throughout the world as a pioneer of the mediumship movement and considered one of the most widely recognized and accurate spiritual mediums working today. A survival evidence medium, he provides evidential proof of life after death through highly detailed messages from the spiritual realm. He is recognized annually on Watkins List of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People – a prestigious list of spiritual teachers, activists, authors, and thinkers.

For over three decades, Van Praagh’s messages have brought comfort and peace to millions. He has worked with international heads of state, religious world leaders, and celebrities including Cher, Goldie Hawn, Shirley MacLaine, Ellen DeGeneres, Joan Rivers, Katie Couric, Loretta Lynn, Chelsea Handler, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Wesley Snipes, and so many more. James Van Praagh is a #1 New York Times best-selling author of over a dozen international best-sellers, including his debut, Talking to Heaven. Van Praagh’s book titles include Talking To Heaven, Reaching to Heaven, Healing Grief, Heaven and Earth, Looking Beyond, Meditations, Ghosts Among Us, Unfinished Business, Growing Up In Heaven, Adventures of the Soul, How to Heal a Grieving Heart, and The Power of Love.

Today, he continues to develop high-minded programming and consults for international production companies. Several years back, he launched The James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts at, which offers a variety of multimedia online learning experiences ranging from professional certification courses to audio and video courses. The school has recently been recognized as the #1 Online Learning platform for students interested in exploring all things spiritual.

Currently, fans of James can tune in to his popular video podcast Both Sides Now and Beyond every Monday evening on the James Van Praagh YouTube channel and other social media platforms. James continues to share messages from the Spirit world and assist people during their life journeys onstage and online through his Evenings of Spirit which can be accessed through his website: For more of James’ special blend of warmth, wisdom, and spirituality, follow him on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.



The Art of Spirit Communication

In this very lively and emotional presentation, James will explain how the "Spirits" prepare themselves for a demonstration of mediumship, how the medium prepares their mind and lastly how the audience or recipient needs to prepare to receive a message correctly.  James will demonstrate communication from the "Other Side" as well.


Techniques for Spirit Communication

James will be sharing with you, two very special exercises that bring the "Spirit People" right into your consciousness, so, you once again share their, thoughts, memories and emotions.

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