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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Joe McQuillen

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Joe McQuillen has been married to his wife Sally for thirty years and is the father of three children; one of his sons is now on the other side. Joe was the youngest of ten children born into an Irish Catholic family. Although he has had two successful careers, Joe is at heart a blue-collar kid from Buffalo, New York.
Joe is thirty-six years sober and a member of AA—a fact that has helped him get close to God and helped to carry him through the dark times after Chris’s crossing. Unwilling to accept a world devoid of his beloved son Christopher, Joe began to research the metaphysical and seek out the answers to What happens next? Joe’s first book (Joe & Chris’s book), My Search for Christopher on the Other Side, tells the story of the journey of discovery over the first two years. His second book, We’re Not Done Yet Pop, My Lessons from the Other Side, takes his audience to the next level of discovery and awakening.
Joe speaks to parents who have seemingly lost children. He hopes to bring them comfort and hope. When Joe finished his first book, he thought he was “one and done.” But Chris let him know that “We’re Not Done Yet, Pop” and indeed they weren’t.


We’re Not Done Yet Pop!

After the loss of his son Christopher in a canoe accident in 2016,  Joe chronicles his journey of connecting with his son on the other side.  A place he frankly wasn’t sure really existed.  But Joe wasn’t ready to face a world devoid of his son.   Walk with Joe  as he seeks and finds answers about where his beloved boy transitioned  to and how he learned  to connect with him.  As a self-proclaimed regular guy Joe doesn’t seem the type to align chakra’s and burn candles and sage.  But he is.  Although he may be a regular guy, his journey is nothing short of amazing.  And his path is now about service and sharing Chris’ messages from the other side to those who need it most. 

Haruki Murakami tells us that “One thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what storms are all about.”

And that’s what Joe’s journey is all about.

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