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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Judith Hancox

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The founder of Shiome Therapy tm, Judith is a licensed clinical social worker specializing in holistic trauma recovery. She holds a BA in Early Childhood Education, and is a certified yoga, meditation, and philosophy teacher. Earning her MSW at Rutgers University, she has been in private practice since 1990, receiving her BCETS (Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress) in 1999.

Judith is a facilitator and instructor of Gestalt Therapy, Repair and Reattachment Grief Therapy and Shiome Therapy and is an EMDR and Evolving Thought Field certified therapist. Since the transition of her Godchild, Carly Elizabeth Hughes in 2013, she has volunteered for Helping Parents Heal. She is a Caring Listener and facilitates monthly Shiome Healing Circles for HPH from September through May each year.

Judith is also a best-selling author, with her chapter, “My Field of Dreams Had Roots in Nightmares,” published in Jack Canfield’s new book, Success Redefined (2023). Her self-published Energy Correcting Meditation (ECM, Book, and CD, 2006, 2020) helps us maintain daily peace of mind. She co-produced two original bilateral sound musical tracks, Angelic Sea (Creating Healthy Boundaries, 1999) and Bilateral Bliss, (ECM, 2006). Her upcoming book, Transitioning Trauma to Nirvana: Introducing Shiome, the Way, will be available soon.

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Transitioning Trauma to Nirvana: A Parent’s Pilgrimage from Complex Grief to Complete Grace:

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is often an under-reported condition for parents whose children have transitioned. It can hinder our physical and mental health, and negatively affect our body, mind, and spirit. PTSD can prevent parents from connecting with their child in spirit and can cause the severing of other relationships. It is essential to understand that chronic traumatic stress does not heal in time, and that we need assistance in healing the trauma to stay peaceful and healthy.

Participants will learn how to create a sacred safe space to heal and discover natural remedies that safely and effectively assist the healing process. Judith will share ‘7 steps in bringing heavenly feelings to earth,” with acupressure pathways that quickly help us find our center of peace. Our intention is to honor our feelings, and know through our grieving, our love is what connects us—we are never separated in the infinite light of love. We can learn how to become more spiritually aware, “shining light parents,” by transcending our trauma—from complex grief to complete grace—by shining our child’s heavenly light of love through our own thoughts, words, and deeds.

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