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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Reverend Sue Frederick

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Rev. Sue Frederick is an ordained Unity Minister, clairaudient, Soul Regression Therapist, angelic realm channel, and master numerologist.  She channels messages and prayers from the angelic realm and receives wisdom from guides to help people heal grief and find purpose. She uses Sacred Numerology and mystical information in her books and teachings. Rev Sue Frederick is the author of 11 books, including Through a Divine Lens: Practices to Quiet Your Ego and Align with Your Soul and The Sacred Numerology Workbook. As a student of numerology since 1980, she brings a deeply enlightened perspective to using numbers as navigational guidance tools for deciphering the soul’s journey. 

Rev Sue Frederick

Ordained Unity Minister, Master Numerologist, Soul Regression Therapist

Author of Through a Divine Lens; Bridges to Heaven & I See Your Dream Job.


Getting Through the Dark Night of Your Soul; How Numbers Can Help


Join Sue Frederick — author, intuitive, master numerologist, between-lives soul regression therapist and Unity minister — as she shares methods and sacred information that recently got her through a dark night of the soul crisis. She’ll illustrate:

-How sacred numbers provide comfort & insight.
-How our divine universe guides us through the darkest nights.
-How to shift frequencies & connect with angels, departed loved ones, and a loving God source - all acting on our behalf.

Rev Sue Frederick
Ordained Unity Minister, Master Numerologist, Soul Regression Therapist & Intuitive Coach

Author of Through a Divine Lens; Bridges to Heaven: True Stories of Loved Ones on the Other Side & I See Your Dream Job


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