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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

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Cody Brooks will be holding a Siblings Get Together on Thursday from 12-1 pm

Cody Brooks

Cody Brooks lives in Cleveland area, Ohio. His brother Quin Hardon, passed away on January 24, 2017. Cody has grieved and has hurt, and has been working on healing, and it is no easy task. But can be done. It is a constant work in progress. There is no straight line in the loss of a loved one. He has good days, and he has heart-wrenching days. But nonetheless, he knows Quin is with him and his family, working with others who have passed over. And just like they are working together, helping us, we are also in this together. Cody couldn’t be more proud of those who helped him grow, and he hopes that he may help others grow along the way. If there is one thing he has learned in all of this, it is that we are not meant to do this alone.  Cody attended our last conference with his Mom and Akron/Cleveland Co-Affiliate Leader, Celia Hardon.

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