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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Suicide Panel

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Megan McCarthy and Janean Quigley

Janean and Megan will be holding a Panel Discussion about Suicide on Thursday afternoon from 12:00 - 1:00 pm.

Megan’s Bio
In 2017 the unthinkable happened when I lost my son Lane at age 23. I was navigating through the world of grief and loss with the belief that he was not gone but had transitioned to a new place. This gave me hope but it was a lonely road to travel alone. In 2019 I had a chance meeting with a Shining Light Parent who had also lost her son, she shared the information for HPH. I was astonished and relieved that I had found a place with others with whom I could validate my feelings about my son and the Afterlife. This group, the resources, and the people have allowed me to grow through my heartache and stay connected to my son. The path of a bereaved parent is a rough ride. We don't have to travel alone.

Janean’s Bio
Five months after his transition, my son led me to Helping Parents Heal which not only completely changed the trajectory of my journey but also initiated a quest for the Greater Reality that will keep me learning and growing for the rest of my days.   Without his departure, there would have been no need to search as I was a very happily married, mother of four healthy children living a comfortable life in Flagstaff AZ.  Sean Patrick Quigley was the first born, rule follower, respectful, intelligent, sweet soul young man that loved and lived life passionately.  In retrospect, I can now recognize signs from early on that he was not going to need to have a long earthly life.  He was wise beyond his years and the kindest person that I have known.  His departure by suicide was cataclysmic.  Putting on my own oxygen mask first became a necessity.  As I recognized the many signs that he sent, and had validations of those signs through talented mediums, the heaviness lifted.  Sean sends me heart shaped rocks, song downloads, tickles my head and lives in my heart 24/7. With a newfound understanding that there is no death, I have become a hospice nurse.  It has become my honor with Sean’s help, to walk souls home gently and peacefully.  He helps me co-manage my local HPH chapter in Flagstaff AZ, as well as HPH Moving Forward after Suicide, the online group.  

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Janean and Megan will be holding a Panel Discussion about Suicide on Thursday afternoon from 12:00 - 1:00.

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