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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

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Release Date:

Jul 1, 2016

Running Time:

40 minutes

Produced By:

Chris LaVelle

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Messages of Hope


Messages of Hope

Messages of Hope is a beautifully shot and edited documentary by director Chris Lavelle, chronicling Suzanne Giesemann’s unlikely journey from naval commander to becoming a renowned, evidential medium.  Well crafted with portions of the story re-enacted, Suzanne’s transformation is a moving and inspiring example of what’s possible.



Lynette Setzcorn:

Almost from start to finish, I was wracked with the head to toe chills that I’ve learned to call “truth shivers.” When I am hearing or seeing something that so deeply resonates with my soul that there’s no disputing the truth, there they are. And this documentary contains such truth, such hope, that the shivers were constant. When we know for certain, with evidence, that love is forever, that life is eternal, everything changes, and it changes for the better.

Evidential mediumship can be the proof needed to launch a spiritual awakening that changes the world in every way. No death? No loss? Astonishing. Anger dissipates. Grief can fade. Life can resume. And who better to carry this message than a top Navy officer of the highest integrity?

Suzanne’s story is stunning and convincing. We will be reunited with our loved ones soon enough. Meanwhile, they’re here with us in spirit, still loving and encouraging us. Now is the time to spread the great good news that we don’t die. This documentary, Messages of Hope, does just that. I believe it — better, I know it’s true. Everything’s going to be all right in the end. Isn’t that wonderful? Watch and be comforted.

Bev Garlipp:

How would your world change if you knew that life is eternal - that your loved ones who have passed are not gone, but are forever part of your life? Listen to the evidence from a person of the highest integrity, a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11. I have watched "Messages of Hope" many, many times since it premiered at my local theater and I still get shivers of Truth and tears in my eyes each time I watch.

Lynne Spence:

Suzanne's story, her evolution, her dedication to sharing what she's learned...all of these will bring an awareness to you that you can't deny. Her message is to give comfort, but it will also shake you up. KNOWING that our loved ones are not gone, that we can still feel them and talk to them and receive their guidance and protection...what can be better than that? Watching the video reminds me of all that and the fact that Suzanne constantly "puts herself out there" to bring that Message of Hope.

Suzanne Klokkenga:

This video is a great intro to Suzanne and her work. Professional, personable, accessible, and genuine, Suzanne is the perfect teacher for those of us who doubt there is anything beyond what our five senses tell us. This video was the compelling evidence I needed to believe what seemed fantasy to me. Convinced and curious, Suzanne became a profound teacher for me, helping me find in myself the reality and abilities of which she speaks. Her personal story and teachings were the gateway to a whole new world I had always sensed, but discounted as ridiculous if not insane. Suzanne demonstrates over and over that the enduring and ever-present nature of spirit is real. With intense commitment, a brilliant and open mind, and a palpable devotion to truth and spirit, her work is sound, reliable, and grounded. I hope you, too, are moved and convinced as you watch this video, and that her work and the truth of which she speaks open up a knowing in you that will change you forever

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