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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Daisy Mae Moore

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Daisy Mae Moore is from London, U.K.


Elizabeth Boisson:

I am grateful to have had healing readings from some of the best psychic mediums. I know that Morgan and Chelsea are happy and healthy and that they are very busy on the other side. However, I decided to book a reading with Daisy Mae Moore because she came highly recommended, she is easy to schedule, and she is affordable to parents. I had my reading on April 7th.

The reading was very good, and Daisy Mae brought through not only Morgan and Chelsea but also their brother, a little boy that I carried for only 12 weeks. Daisy had no way of knowing this.

Morgan came through with healing energy. Daisy told me after the reading that instead of making her uptight, she felt as though she had drunk a glass of red wine after connecting to him. Very chilled and easy going, just as he was in life. She also told me that he was a sensitive soul and always thinking of others; if he was injured, he would tell others to check on someone else before taking care of him. This is very true.

Morgan also spoke of the day he died and told Daisy many of the things that other mediums have already verified, including the fact that he heard every word when he was undergoing CPR and I spoke to him by phone, which reassured me. Daisy felt as though he had a head injury (Morgan’s brain swelled because of altitude sickness), she said that he was with two other boys (his roommates stayed in Lhasa until my husband was able to arrive), she told me that he passed during the daytime, that it was accidental and unexpected and that it had been because of a mistake on someone else’s part. Moreover, she told me that Morgan had hung on for seven hours before he passed. All of this is also true. Lastly, Daisy said that someone was holding his right hand when he passed, which is a comfort to me.

One thing that stood out was that Daisy said ‘Why do I feel like he has some connection to a teddy bear’? Morgan’s nickname on his cheerleading squad was Big Bear because of the enormous bear hugs he would give. His room is overflowing with teddy bears that we have brought home in his memory since he passed.

Daisy told me that Morgan was showing her the last vacation that we took together as a family before he passed. He showed her a concrete walk beside the sea, lots of greenery and a town that has small streets but that is very modern. We traveled to La Grande Motte, France, in August 2009 right before he went to study in China. This is where Morgan’s paternal grandparents have had a home since 1975 and where Morgan was conceived, and it is, therefore, a very special place for all of us. Not only is it green and lush; his grandfather is also proud to have added beautiful palm trees throughout the main thoroughfares as a member of the town council.

One of the most beautiful things about the reading and something that Daisy had never before experienced was that Morgan brought through other children towards the end of the reading. These children belong to parents with whom I have been in touch with, and they thanked me for helping their Moms.

One was a beautiful young girl who died by suicide, whose Mother I had just met the night before. Another was a young man who died of a gang-related gunshot wound, who has two brothers here on earth who also wanted to thank me for helping his Mom. He also said that he had left things unsaid with his Dad, with whom he did not have a relationship. Daisy stated that she had never seen other children in spirit bring through kids from the other side. But it makes sense because I know that Morgan’s job is to help children connect with their parents.

The last thing that Morgan let me know through Daisy is that he has everything under control. He is taking good care of his brother and sister in spirit as well as if all the other children that are a part of this group. Knowing this brings me enormous comfort.

After the reading, I was able to spend time talking to Daisy Mae, and I learned more about her gift. She is also a bereaved mom; her son passed when he was only four days old, 36 years ago. She has since devoted her gift to helping other bereaved parents heal.

Michele Stead Bates:

When my daughter Ashli passed 13 years ago I could smell her, she would turn the lights on and off and would make banging noises. Of course I never told anyone! The cat would stare into the air and it was amazing! After six months I told her I would be okay and she needed to start her new adventures in Heaven. I heard nothing for years. It became quite depressing sitting and praying for a sign, any sign.

One day my friend told me about her friend who lost her son and wanted us to get together. Well that friend was Elizabeth and the son was Morgan. Elizabeth wanted me to go to a medium with her and my religious views did not align with these things. I battled back and forth and finally went. It was an awful experience. I left quite shaken up and it put me back in a depression and was afraid to attempt this ever again.

One day Elizabeth said come to this group meeting where a psychic medium, Susanne Wilson, would read the group. It seemed to be a miracle and my baby came through. I was crazy; completely over the moon!

After that I never heard anything again. My family and I moved into a new home and all of the sudden the signs kept appearing as if a miracle was happening in this new place that didn’t feel like home. I get the signs quite frequently but needed to find out if someone could explain them.

I was online on Helping Parents Heal, thinking of making an appointment and bingo, one of our members said she just had an amazing reading from a person online and we all should friend request her. Well, I did. I friend requested Daisy Mae Moore and she added me to her chat room. As always, I was glued to it waiting and begging for my daughter to come through. I had only joined within 24 hours and thought it wouldn’t happen. I watched her read a few people and had so much anxiety and was completely thrilled about what I was seeing but desperate for my child to come through.

She finished one reading and was headed towards another woman. I almost left the site but that woman stated she was in traffic and Daisy told her no worries, I will get back with you later. All of the sudden she picked up in Ashli’s spirit. I was shocked and amazed. Daisy said things that no one knew!! It was as if my daughter was in the room with me and giving me her sassy attitude.

I seriously felt like she and I were having a conversation and I could see her doing the “talk to the hand motion” as she was being her sassy self. Daisy confirmed things that I have never told anyone and then my daughter went skipping away. I was in such a bright space for days. So at the beginning of this short story about my connection with Ashli, I asked if you believe in signs. What do you think now?

We all have the ability to receive signs and I think when we are begging for them they don’t always come. But I now know this: When you are open and free they come. This journey has been a long one with many phases: grief, sadness, anger, pain, illness and the list goes on but one thing I can say for sure; feeling all of these emotions are okay. Our loved ones are paying attention and are willing to provide us guidance, love and understanding.

Mark Ireland:

On April 15, 2017 I had an outstanding reading with English Medium, Daisy Mae Moore. While I’d heard wonderful things about her from several people I trusted, I have a great appreciation for first-hand experience so I decided that I would see for myself.

I have a unique perspective when it comes to the value of Psychic-Medium readings. Aside from being a parent who had a son transition, my background is a bit different from most people involved in HPH.

First I’ve conducted personal research on Mediums, documented in my two books, ‘Soul Shift’ and ‘Messages from the Afterlife.’ Further, in an effort to help people find credible Mediums who don’t charge astronomical fees, I established a certification process to identify lesser known individuals with solid abilities.

My medium website, features people that were able to provide accurate, specific, and compelling information in a series of five blinded readings. Each one met or exceeded standards that I established with guidance from Tricia Robertson, the former President of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research.

Finally, my father, Richard Ireland was a renowned Psychic-Medium who counseled celebrities like Mae West and Amanda Blake, as well as key government figures (possibly to include one or more U.S. Presidents), so I grew up with this stuff and my father was one of the best. To read more about my work or my father please visit my site,

I feel a great sense of responsibility when it comes to recommending mediums, because grieving people are vulnerable. As a result, I tend to take extra precautions with readings to make sure the medium knows nothing about me in advance. Such was the case here, as Daisy Mae didn’t even know who she would be reading for, other than the fact that the sitter’s name was “Mark”. As a result of this process, she has earned my trust and you can proceed with confidence.

While I am compelled to take such steps when evaluating a medium for the first time, I don’t recommend this practice for everyone, especially when a medium has been vetted. Mediums tend to be sensitive people who may become disheartened by overly aggressive skepticism and this can be detrimental to the quality of reading you receive. But I do suggest that it’s best to answer with simple “yes” and “no” responses during a reading, providing a positive exchange without volunteering too much information.

When considering the quality of a reading, it’s not just about accuracy. It is also about the relevancy of the information provided and whether or not highly compelling hits were delivered—those rare nuggets that confirm you’re onto something special. In this case, Daisy May delivered on all three counts. With these things said, I will recount my reading.

As the reading began, Daisy Mae brought through a woman that sounded like my sister Robin. “I’ve got a middle-aged woman. I’d say 47 years old and about 5’5” tall, with an April connection.” Robin died at the age of 46, not long before her 47th birthday, the height Daisy Mae stated was correct, and Robin’s birthday was in April, so she was off to a good start.

I’ve learned that even the best mediums make mistakes, so when she incorrectly referenced Robin’s hair color as “auburn” I let it pass without too much concern. It’s important to understand how mediums get the information they receive. They often must rely on images in their mind, words that pop in here and there (usually not in auditory fashion), and feelings that may mimic physical conditions such as the communicator’s cause of death. In other words, mediumship can be like a game of cross-dimensional charades.

Daisy Mae continued, “Her passing was drawn out, it was not sudden. She went through period of being up and down physically.” This was a perfect description of Robin’s situation, as she’d been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that eventually metastasized to her liver. She went from home care, to the hospital, and eventually to hospice.

Moving on, Daisy stated that October was important. This was interesting because October is the month with the greatest number of family birthdays and my wife’s next birthday is a major milestone.

Daisy then shifted to a young man that appeared to by my son, Brandon “I’ve got a young man with dark hair and he’s like a son.” She accurately described Brandon’s hair color and general age. By stating “like a son” Daisy Mae followed a trend I’ve seen with other mediums, which is to proceed with caution when identifying people who have passed. Daisy Mae then stated, “It was a sudden passing. I see a mountain area, like going up a mountain above a city. It’s a rocky kind of feel.” Brandon did pass very suddenly, suffering a severe asthma attack while hiking in the McDowell Mountains above Scottsdale, Arizona, which are extremely rocky.

She then tossed out “Motorbike” which didn’t seem to make sense, but it may have been a reference to what one would see in the area at times. Then again, she may have been off here. Continuing, Daisy Mae relayed, “He passed in the daytime”. I’ll never forget racing home in the afternoon that day, coming to the base of the McDowell Mountains where there were a swarm of spectators, emergency vehicles, and a helicopter. It was a dreadful scene that caused a lump in my throat. Not long after my heart would sink.

She then became more specific about who was communicating. “This is your son”. Daisy Mae followed by sharing, “Something was unclear about the cause of his passing.” She was right—there was a lack of clarity about the cause of Brandon’s death and we didn’t receive official word for about a week. During the hike, Brandon had complained about numbness in his limbs and what seemed to be an irregular heartbeat, but no official word was received until an autopsy was conducted nearly a week later.

Ironically, my Uncle, who was a Psychic-Medium like my father, correctly relayed the cause of death before the autopsy results were revealed. “One boy was with him and tried to help. Your son was on his back on the ground, on a hard surface while this boy was working on him.” Indeed, Brandon had been lying on a hard granite surface while his best friend, Stu Garney administered CPR for 45 minutes.

Daisy Mae then said, “He suffered pain in the chest. It’s something to do with his heart, like it was skipping or arrhythmia.” Before passing out, Brandon had complained to Stu about his heart beating irregularly. And we know that the severe asthma attack caused oxygen deprivation which led to cardiac arrest. “He was able to communicate before going down.” This was right. Stu told me that Brandon even joked about vomiting and that some got in his hair. The last thing Brandon said to Stu was, “I’ve got to lay down now”. When Brandon laid down Stu noted that his eyes rolled back.

Daisy Mae continued, “He and his friend were doing an activity when this happened. And the friend is 5’ 9” tall.” Daisy Mae was still unaware of the circumstances surrounding Brandon’s passing. Yes, they had been engaged in an activity—hiking. And she was correct in stating Stu’s height at 5’9”. Elaborating, she stated “Five people were involved in trying to help while he was on his back.” Again, Daisy Mae was on target. Four boys had been hiking with Brandon. And a man named James Linton who had been hiking with a different joined in on efforts to help.”

Then Daisy Mae asked, “What does the name ‘Susan’ mean to your son? I see a petite woman. Is Susan petite?” I responded, “Susan is his mother—my wife, and yes she’s petite”. Daisy Mae then queried, “Did you start a Foundation that honors your son?” I responded by saying “yes” but did not yet let on that I was the Co-Founder of Helping Parents Heal, in partnership with Elizabeth Boisson.

“At his funeral the doors were open. By this, I mean that the church was full to the point of overflowing.” Again, she was accurate. The church was bursting at the seams and some people had to stand at the back and others just outside the doors.

Next, Daisy Mae hit on something that was really big for me. “You had one dream that was like reality. He says not to question it because it was real.” I was really stunned by this and very pleased to hear it. While I’ve had a number of dreams where Brandon was present over the years, none compared to this single event in the fall of 2005. The experience was incredibly lucid, feeling every bit as vivid as a personal interaction with someone while wide awake. In fact, I truly thought I was awake and knew with certainty that the encounter was absolutely real. Daisy Mae was now on a serious roll.

“He tells me that he had a nickname that he went by. The nickname is three letters.” Yes, indeed! She also told me some specifics about the nickname that were confirming, but which I choose not to share here. While I should have asked her for the nickname I neglected to do so and would like to keep that door open in the future, with her or another medium. That is the reason for my secrecy here. Daisy also accurately conveyed how Brandon got the nickname.

Daisy Mae then said, “He tells me that you have spoken or will speak on TV on people’s behalf.” This was right as I have spoken on TV a number of times, about my books and on behalf of some credible mediums. And there’s always a chance that I may be able speak on TV in the future, possibly in support of the inaugural Helping Parents Heal conference in 2018.

Concluding her communication with Brandon, Daisy Mae said, “There’s a number ‘nine’ connection, like his birth month or month that he passed.” Again she was on target, as Brandon was born in September.

Daisy was winding down, but before finishing up reported some communications from my father: “At the time your father passed you didn’t get to say goodbye.” This was true, because I was in Denver at the time and he was in Phoenix.

She went on, “Your father was on TV.” My father had indeed appeared on television a number of times, including the Merv Griffin Show, the Steve Allen Show, numerous local TV shows across the country. He even had his own show on two stations at different times in Phoenix in the mid 1960’s.

“He says, ‘New Jersey’.” This was crazy! I guess it was just to let me know that he was around, because I had been in New Jersey the day prior.

In summary, I found Daisy Mae to be a very compassionate person in addition to being an outstanding medium so I highly recommend her. Daisy Mae is presently working through my mediumship certification process. I have graded two readings so far and she is off to a great start, but I need three more readings before she can achieve certification.

If you decide to book a session with her and would be willing to record, transcribe, and grade the reading, I would be most grateful for the information. In such a case, please contact me at

Elaine Molyneux Lehman:

On August 8, 2015, my son Nick dropped his earthly body and returned home to God. My life shattered into a million pieces, I didn’t want to live without him.

As you all know, this journey through child loss will test you and take you to your knees. Mine has been very difficult, however; it took a huge positive turn when I had a reading with Daisy Mae Moore. Our reading was via Facebook video on February 12, 2017, a few days before my birthday. I had a photo out of Nick to the left of me that Daisy could not see.

As soon as the reading started Daisy was giggling and apologized to me. I asked her what was so funny and she replied, “Nick is telling me he is such a handsome dude and to check out his photo.” She went on to describe the photo of Nick that I had next to me and described him as “hilarious and very entertaining.” This is a perfect description of Nick. When he entered a room, we would frequently say, “The entertainment has arrived.”

Through Daisy, Nick told me he visits me often and I will feel him behind me, to my left side. This is exactly where I feel him; it’s as if he is brushing my left arm from behind.

He went on to say that for my birthday he was going to send me a piece of cake with a single candle and a balloon with lots of bright colors. As you can see by the photos, he did just that!! He used my co-workers son, who has the same birthday as me, to deliver the cake and a co-worker who I have been mentoring delivered the balloon. I was speechless and overwhelmed with joy. Look closely, the cake even has a chocolate butterfly on top.

Further validation was given when Nick described the chair in my home where I “sit, put my feet up, and watch the birds.” He described not only the chair, but the exact view.

If I needed more validation, Nick described the things he saw at his funeral. He described the flowers on top of his casket, “Love the red and white, not typical for a guy” my reaction when the casket was being closed, and something so intimate; it is absolute proof he is alive in spirit. He described the rosary beads that my mum brought over from England that we wrapped around his hands. My family and people who attended the viewing are the only people who know about this. I have a photo of this but it has never been posted on any social media, nor will I share it today. I want to keep this private forever. Just know, Nick described them perfectly and he “really liked them.”

As Nick was describing the rosary beads, I felt a shiver from head to toe; it was as if Nick’s spirit was passing through my entire body. I actually cried out, “oh dear, what is this?” Daisy responded, “It’s ok Elaine, just breathe, it’s Nick’s spirit passing through you.” I knew it!!

In closing, I would like to thank Daisy Mae Moore from the bottom of my heart. I felt like, with her assistance, I was able to chat with Nick for an hour. His personality and sense of humor were alive and well. He had me laughing right along with Daisy.

Charlene Gardner:

When I heard that you were considering Daisy for a trusted Medium, I just had to share my experience with her. I have had a few good readings but Daisy was phenomenal!! Of course she shared the worst day of my life and described in explicit detail what was happening when my Tara passed.

After the tears, she went on to give memories that only my daughter and I shared. Daisy had me laughing and it was like I was having a phone call to heaven. She was so in tune to the reading that she ducked when an orb flew right over her head and asked me if I saw it, she said it was my Tara just proving that she was there, LOL I was left with such comfort and knowing that my daughter is still with me. Daisy is amazing and I will be calling on her in the future. I know she’ll be giving other parents the same healing that she gave me.

I was left with such comfort and knowing that my daughter is still with me. Daisy is amazing and I will be calling on her in the future. I know she’ll be giving other parents the same healing that she gave me.

Mabel Chan:

Thank you, Daisy Mae, for the remarkable reading! My son is AMAZING! My heart overflows with gratitude, love and joy for having the continued relationship with him beyond space and time. My husband and I both feel your warmth and compassion. I truly hope that every grieving parent gets to be connected with his/her child through a medium like you. Your remote viewing is phenomenal. We have given you no prior knowledge about ourselves or our son. You have brought up so many intimate details about our precious child and even our physical environment which you have no way of knowing. “The key to Immortality is having lived a life worth remembering” This is an apt description of my son who has packed a great deal into the short time that he had on the human plane and yet has left a legacy of Love for all of us. You even feel his beautiful and loving energy. You have validated ‘our inner knowings’ which really comfort and reassure us that we are aligned with our purpose here. You are a remarkable medium and a beautiful being!

Much love,

Candy Morrison Jackson:

I want to thank you for the tremendous reading I had with you last Saturday. It has been 5 months since my daughter passed. You were able to connect with her instantly following an opening by my dad. I chose you because I think only a mother with a child in spirit can truly know how a grieving mother feels. Your compassion, tenderness, and even humor made the experience so joyful. I generally cry during readings but I felt nothing but LOVE, while sitting for you. The only time I did cry was during the remote viewing when my daughter peeked in on my sleeping granddaughter 😭🤗😇🥰. And those were tears of joy knowing that she was indeed watching over her still, literally. The remote viewing was fantastic! I have a much greater knowing and awareness of my daughter's never ending presence now. What a gift that is. I also enjoyed the humor you brought out in all who came through. Your light hearted way made me and all present so relaxed and even playful. Most of the names and numbers that didn't click came together a day or 2 after the reading. Your accuracy was quite amazing! Thank you for choosing this path.

With great love and appreciation, Candy

Amy Sanders:

I was fortunate to be read by Daisy in a gallery reading.  While it was short, she hit on many things that I could validate - month my son was born, day of week he passed, one of two children, and that my daughter was pregnant with a boy and was going to pass down a name.  When grandson was born, my daughter had chosen my son’s name for the baby’s middle name.  She only announced it to us after his birth today!  One other in particular was that she picked up on a name of a friend of mine.  She’s a good friend but not an especially close friend.  She didn’t know my son, but right before the reading I posted Happy Birthday on her FB page.  Lastly, she said my son knows my daughter in spirit from a miscarriage.  Before I became pregnant with my first child, my daughter, I miscarried. This was incredible!  Thank you, Daisy!

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