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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent

About Brian Smith

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Brian Smith is from Cincinnati


Paola Leslie:

Brian Smith is a talented and compassionate  person that went through one of the hardest things that can happen to a parent, losing a child. I meet him during the darkest days of my soul after I lost my only child.  Brian, his wife and a couple of other parents administer an online group dedicated to helping grieving parents.  Brian is always there for anybody that needs some advice on how to navigate through this hard journey. His knowledge of spirituality and  science is impressive. I know that his devotion, and compassion is going to help so many others find their true path.  Thank you Brian for the  wonderful work that you do, and for being such a bright light for so many of us. 

Claudia Milligan:

Hi Parents!

I just want to share a resource with you- I spent an hour with Brian Smith (OMG). Like so many of you- my life changed so much with my son’s passing and it’s just not the same life. I want to really consider thoughtfully the path I want to take.

So I’ve been thinking of contacting Brian for awhile. I guess I didn’t think I was worth it…I am! and it was so helpful. Uplifting. I have a ton more confidence than I had an hour and a half ago….

Jennifer 'Jaki' Johnson:

Brian spoke to me about two months after my 15-year-old son had passed. He reassured me that our kids leave us signs and that they are always with us. He spoke about his beautiful daughter and her awesome spirit. He made me feel like grief was okay and that the process is something you must allow yourself to go through in order to grow. His energy for life and honoring grief is truly authentic.

If you are grieving and need to figure out how to grow from it, stay connected to your loved one, or just need a grief partner to listen to your thoughts, he is the guy!

Thanks Brian for everything!

Tracy Soussi:

From the first time I met Brian, I felt like I knew him forever.  I had been reading his blogs for a year and I was extremely touched by his honesty, straightforwardness, and love.  It is rare to witness a man that is willing to share his personal feelings with others in such a public format.

Since then, I have come to know Brian very well.  He has been one of the largest factors in my ability to walk the grief journey after my son, Aymen, passed.

Brian is not only a mentor, but he also has the aptitude to be a wonderful listener, advisor and has a great deal of emotional intelligence.  He is easy to talk to and is not afraid to tell me what I need to hear.

He has volunteered in many venues to counsel, support and guide others.  I would recommend Brian not only for adults and young adults but I would highly recommend Brian as a Life Coach for children.

Brian’s abilities have helped me to grow spiritually, believe in myself and he has guided me to understand my purpose in life.   He has given me very sound advice along with tools that greatly help me and inspire me. He has earned my respect and admiration.

Brian’s perspective on things has been a true blessing for me.

Jeri Lynn Vizzi:

A mutual friend texted me the day Shayna passed. I’d lost my 15y.o. daughter Leora in 2003. I reached out that day to offer my help. Our daughters left similar legacies – to use our grief, experience, hope and strength to reach out and love others who are hurting. Brian hit the ground running.

I already knew before this loss that Brian was smart and compassionate. But early on, he took all of his grief and pain and put it on display to process it with the world. The courage that he has shown in being so raw and vulnerable in the early days, shows people that they can experience the worst, but still survive. Today he is still sometimes raw, and always vulnerable, but he has been healing and showing how you can thrive. He’s found a way to integrate his life and business skills with the instinctive and behavioral qualities he has been honing over the last few years. He is a brave leader, setting an important example for others to follow.

Two years ago I had a PTSD trigger take me down. Eventually I sent up a flare, and somehow Brian put his hand into the darkness and reached me. His kindness, empathy and very simple words “baby steps” helped to start me on a steep, upward hike out of the dark.

Brian is a friend, colleague, ally, and partner in grief, who continues to be a wonderful accountability buddy and cheerleader for me in my own personal and business growth. This is a man everyone needs in their corner.

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