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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Jamie Clark

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Jamie Clark is from Phoenix, AZ


Mark Ireland:

Jamie furnished striking validations that strongly indicated the ongoing presence of our deceased son, Brandon. Jamie’s ability to deliver highly specific information and his compassionate nature played a major role in the healing of my family after Brandon’s passing. To that end, Jamie is one of four psychic mediums whose work is documented in my first book, Soul Shift.

Nita Erickson:

Love him! He was the first medium my husband and I went to after our son Kyle’s tragic car accident. My husband was your classic skeptic and Jamie called him on it! We were blown away. Jamie hit so many things on the head, validation after validation. I had Kyle’s glasses with me (concealed) and my husband did not know this. Jamie kept saying, ‘glasses’, ‘glasses’, while pointing to his eyes. Prior to seeing Jamie I had not been taking care of myself, was not wearing makeup, and had left my hair a mess. But I got my hair done one day prior to the reading and Jamie said, ‘He likes your hair and is glad you’re taking better care of yourself.’ Really! Jamie made a believer out of both of us.

Lynn Hollahan:

I attended a group reading with Jamie a couple of days before Mother’s Day, six months after my son’s passing. I left with a full page of meaningful validations from my son. It was the best Mother’s Day gift I could have received.

Anne Puryear:

Jamie is delightful. While on a panel at the Logos Center Jamie leaned over to give me a message, telling me that my son was there. This was just moments after I felt my son Stephen’s presence and heard him speak. He’s accurate, helpful, and everyone likes him. I would recommend him because he’s so caring, helpful, and hopeful in his work. The feedback received from his workshop, with Mark Ireland, at the conference in April, 2012 was excellent. He truly ministers to those needing help, from a very caring heart with understanding and wisdom.

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