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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Marilyn Kapp

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Marilyn Kapp is from Carlsbad, CA


Iris Misshula:

Through a bunch of synchronicities I had the privilege to have a reading with Marilyn as well as read her book LOVE Is Greater Than Pain that absolutely blew me away!
Marilyn’s gift started at an unusually young age and she has used it to help connect and heal many like us. Marilyn is renowned in this field and has done thousands of readings yet when I had a reading she made me and my daughter Dana who transitioned on 4/6/2020 feel the most important.
I encourage all of you to join in tomorrow to feel the beautiful essence of Marilyn and to hear her story and message that LOVE IS GREATER THAN PAIN ❤️

Paola Leslie:

I participated to a group reading in the house of a friend of Marilyn Kapp's in San Diego on 2017. It was for Mother's day and it was my first reading since my son, Nicolas, transitioned in 2016. The reading was amazing and she described Nicolas' personality perfectly, as well as the way that he transitioned.

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