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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Robert Schwartz

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Robert Schwartz is from Ohio


Sara Ruble :

Knowing Robert Schwartz now for over 15 years, I have witnessed his passionate and dedicated journey into our important soul’s work. Sharing the many insights, wisdom, and tools he has learned and experienced himself, Rob continues to open our hearts and minds into this deeper understanding of who we really are as soul’s in our human bodies. He personally expanded my horizons and the depth of my awareness following the transition of my only child, Scott.

When I read his first book, 'My Soul’s Plan,' first published in 2007, my world and spiritual awareness were immediately opened up to a much greater reality, one with incredibly deep meaning and purpose, bringing a new depth of healing for me. Since that time, many parents and others too have learned there is so much more to life and “death” through Rob’s important and insightful work, through his books and online meetings, as we have seen on Helping Parents Heal, as well as classes he and his wife Liesel lead. I give a heartfelt recommendation for Rob’s participation and the contributions he will continue to bring to HPH as a provider. 

~Love, Sara

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