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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent

About Sara Ruble

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Breakout Session: Soul Planning: The Details, the Questions, the Healing

Sara Ruble’s only child Scott challenged and pushed her to discover the true meaning of life, death, and the afterlife. Knowing the love for our children is immersed in far greater, more beautiful meaning than we could ever have imagined, Sara shares the many aspects of Soul Planning. Why do we create our lifetimes with one another before we are born? Why do so many children leave at young ages? What is our greater purpose while on earth, as well as in Spirit? With a depth of knowledge and real-life experiences in soul planning, channeled through her by Scott, Sara brings greater understanding to life, “death”, spiritual growth, our continuing connections with our children, and why we must talk about this!

When the love for a child goes beyond the meaning of life and death, what do we do with it? Sara Ruble is Scott’s mom. Scott Michael Jessie died suddenly at age nineteen of natural causes that could never have been predicted. Through a profound poem found the day after Scott’s funeral, Sara knew his Spirit was very much alive. Today she and Scott work together, as he channels through her the deeper spiritual meaning of life, “death”, the afterlife, the power of the soul plans we make with our children, and how healing comes from understanding those pre-birth plans.

Sara has been a presenter at many national conferences, as well as HPH zoom meetings. Her powerful blogs written with and channeled by Scott are Death Teaches ( and Spirit Teaches (


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