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About Mark Anthony

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Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer (Psychic Lawyer®) is a fourth-generation science based evidential psychic medium, and Oxford educated attorney who has tried over 100 jury trials. He is licensed to practice law in Florida, Washington D.C., and before the United States Supreme Court.

His brand “The Psychic Explorer” arose from his extensive background in science, quantum physics, near-death experiences, history, archaeology, philosophy, and theology. He examines mystical locations around the world to explore ancient ruins, mysteries, and supernatural phenomena.

Mark appears nationwide on TV & Radio including the CBS show “The Doctors,” Gaia TV, and Discovery Channel. He is a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM and co-hosts “The Psychic and The Doc” on The Transformation Network.

He is a headline speaker at organizations including Edgar Cayce A.R.E., International Association for Near-death Studies, The Shift Network, Spiritual Awakenings International, Helping Parents Heal, Vail Symposium & universities Brown, Columbia, Harvard & Yale.

Mark is a VIP Columnist for Best Holistic Life Magazine and author of three bestsellers. The Afterlife Frequency has won multiple awards and designated one of the top books about faith by Both The Afterlife Frequency and Evidence of Eternity were considered for Pulitzer Prizes. Never Letting Go is recommended by grief counselors and hospices worldwide



FROM EARTH TO ETERNITY: The Healing Power and Science of Spirit Communication

Since the dawn of human history people have reported contact with spirits. Often dismissed as fantasy or feared as taboo, the question remains—is this real?

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer takes spirit communication out of the shadows of superstition and into the light of 21st Century science. He developed the “Electromagnetic Soul” (EMS) Theory which provides the scientific basis for the various forms of spiritual phenomena which include near-death, shared-death experiences, out of body experiences, deathbed visions and after death communication. The EMS theory also explains how spirits communicate with people who are not necessarily mediums.

Combining his dynamic speaking style with a dazzling PowerPoint presentation Mark Anthony illuminates how spirit communication is a powerful instrument of healing and love by taking you on an entertaining and educational journey from the cosmic to the subatomic—even into the human soul itself.


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