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Sharing the Journey to Shining Light Parent
Becki Coleman's Validation from her son Tom through Reverend Sue Frederick

Becki Coleman's Validation from her son Tom through Reverend Sue Frederick

  • Posted
    • Dec
    • 15
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Tom / Reverend Sue Frederick
I was selected to receive a numerology reading from Rev. Sue Frederick during a HPH zoom event. It started off by Sue helping me understand why the number 5 is my favorite number. She laughed and explained because it is Tom's (my son) soul path (happy tears for me). She explained mine and Tom's soul paths and how our paths supported each other.
She explained that Tom could be an "outlier" meaning he was not a follower, he chose his own path and sometimes he pushed my buttons but that was to help me find my power. He wants me to put my words into action and to be courageous. He also said that things are easier than I make it. I am known to analyze, research and plan everything.   I saw Tom making decisions even if there were consequences, not giving up when things got difficult (physically/mentally) and I saw him facing his fears.   Everything Sue said supported our experiences and gave me more understanding. 
Sue explained there are changes coming for me which will help bring my truth and spiritual wisdom to the world. She explained that Tom is encouraging me to teach or write a book regarding my experiences and things I have learned. I recently shared in a support group about the NDE presenters at the conference, and how they brought me comfort.  I noticed sharing what I learned brought peace to others which helped my heart so just maybe I can follow my soul path and allow my sweet angel to guide me.  I am grateful for this experience and will continue to be open to learning.
~Becki Coleman 
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.  

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