Denise Zmuda's Validation from her son Ryan through Maureen Hancock
- Oct
- 21
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
My son Ryan passed a little less than 2 months ago, very unexpectedly. I, like every other mother who has lost one of their children, have been wrought with unimaginable grief. I luckily stumbled across HPH early and have been bound and determined to navigate the healing process and have been curious about experiencing the connection other parents in this group have had with their children in spirit. My son broke through during the Gallery Reading with Maureen Hancock, and I couldn’t have been happier and more convinced he is around me always and is safe and good. Not all of the details Maureen raised were right on, but MANY were, and I believe that there were so many other souls present that they probably clouded the reading. Here are the validations of his presence and communication:
--Maureen brought up the double major of my other son in college and identified one of those majors from my son Ryan and how Ryan is cheering him on. No one outside our family knows about that and his brother never directly discussed it with Ryan while he was physically here.
--Maureen said Ryan mentioned I am trying to get information from his phone, and it holds a key. The sheriff's cyber lab has been trying to get into it, and I don't have it back yet. I also just received a recommendation on a forensics lab (located 20 minutes from my home by the way) from a fellow member that I might send my son's phone to if the sheriff can't crack it open. His death certificate is finalized so there's no need for the sheriff to keep it and maybe Ryan's comment was referencing this new option?
--Maureen asked me what letter his name begins with. I told her R and she then said he told her his name is Ry Ry, in a child like voice. I called him Ry Ry when he was little and no one outside the family, and certainly not now many years later, would know that.
After connecting with Ryan during that gallery reading, about 3 days later I was laying on my yoga mat next to his physical resting place talking and talking to him only to discover a white feather next to his marker. Thanks Ryan f18. You make your momma so happy and comforted to know you are all around me all the time and that you are safe and “good”. I love you!!
My last comment is to say that this group is amazing and will recommend it to anyone who is in the unfortunate situation we are all in. It has definitely given me hope.
~Denise Zmuda
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- Maureen Hancock Upcoming Retreats
- Medium Kat Baillie's Tribute to Mike Edwards, the Founder of Helping Fathers Heal