Erin & Phil Bentkowski's Validation with their daughter Grace through Mitch Ott
- Jan
- 23
- 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Grace / Mitch Ott
I feel like I need to apologize in advance for how long this Validation is going to be, but I can't leave anything out. Mitch Ott was so UTTERLY AMAZING and to thank him I feel everything needs to be addressed. My husband and I have probably watched the recording over 50 times and I had to literally take notes because it was so accurate.
Before we were brought into the reading for Grace there was definitely some "piggy backing" happening that we can see now. Ornaments were mentioned which is significant to this Christmas (our friends sent us a new tree knowing we were not going to put one up and then everyone sent us ornaments in Grace's name). The number 22 was mentioned and Mitch kept mentioning Impact...Impact. It was sort of resonating with some but the minute he mentioned "Train"...we knew it was our Grace coming through. He also talked about not ever giving up and keeping her name alive...which we are.
At this point we commented that it was ringing true for us and Elizabeth interjected for us.
Our daughter Grace was 22 and was struck and killed by a train coming home from work this last July. Mitch mentioned "work" that it was daylight (which it was daylight as it was summer here). He then said it was not her fault...which it was not. She was crossing tracks walking to the parking lot to get into her car. The Station has no safety or warning lights and the train that hit her was not supposed to be there at that time and it did not even blow its horn. Mitch kept saying "Accident Accident...she needs you to know it was an Accident. Grace was telling Mitch that it didn't make sense and that is also true because there was not supposed to be a train coming from the other tracks at that time.
Grace was telling him we had just talked which we had. She had gotten off work early and instead of taking the earlier train she decided to go shopping. We were just texting and she told me that and asked what was for dinner. He also said she needed to clear her head. And she did because her and her boyfriend were going to move downtown Chicago and sign a lease the next 2 days and she was nervous so she walked around the Chicago riverwalk and posted pictures on Snapchat.
Grace told Mitch to tell us "We were her World" and we are definitely a very close tight family. He mentioned if I had gone to the sight which I have not and Grace was telling him to tell me "It's Okay Mom It's Okay you don't have to do that. He then went to my Husband and Grace said he had gone and left flowers there...and he had. Mitch said Grace was with him that day and what he was thinking. That she gave him a hug there and Phil does remember feeling and connecting with her there. She then said her dad was a "open minded hippy" LOL which he is. Then he said Grace was a free spirit and wanted to travel the world and she even had check marks on her list. That is 100 percent true as we saw on her computer her list of places she has been and where they were planning on going. This summer was going to be Greece.
Mitch then said "She says Take your time with everything". Very poignant because we are still very deep in grief and Mitch could tell that and we have yet to plan her Life Celebration because we can't mentally right now but are planning it hopefully in May but it's been very hard on us and we have felt we are letting her down. So we knew exactly what he meant. He said "Tell Mom it's going to be okay" and I know what she was telling me. This is going to be a long road to get things changed in Grace's name so this never happens to another family. He also mentioned someone with a "S" name. Sam (Samantha) was her best friend and she had spent time with her the night before she transitioned.
Finally, she sent her love and said to tell us "I am with you every step of the way". And we know she is and she knows the long road we are on to get things changed for her in her name.
We cannot thank HPH and Mitch for this amazing opportunity to connect with our beloved Grace enough. Thank You..Thank You...Thank You!!! Sending Love to all our Shining Light Parents.
~Erin & Phil Bentkowski
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
- Cindy Gisser's Validation with her son Gregory through Tina Powers
- Carrie and Scott Lott's Validation Story with their daughter Lexi through Lisa Wilcoxson