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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
Jennifer Powers' Validation with her son Peter with Reverend Sue Frederick

Jennifer Powers' Validation with her son Peter with Reverend Sue Frederick

  • Posted
    • Nov
    • 17
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson

Peter, Reverend Sue Frederick

It has been two years and a bit since Peter transitioned. He was a beautiful, intelligent, and sensitive soul. His time here was not easy. 

He sends me messages and jokes, and I often know he is near. Finding HPH helped to validate my connection and communication with him.  

This week I had a session with Reverend Sue Frederick, who is a rockstar of a medium. WOW! Sue was able to help answer questions I have had my entire life, and focus me in a new direction. She reframed many things that make expansion possible for me. 

Of course the BEST part of the session(and my day, and my week, and my month!) was connecting with Peter.  Sue’s warmth and soothing energy brought peace and clarity.  It felt safe and exciting at the same time. My heart is full.

~Written by Peter's Mom, Jennifer Powers

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