Kathleen Serge's Validation with her son Andrew through Judith Hancox
- Nov
- 23
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Andrew / Andrew and Kathleen / Judith Hancox
The Shiome Healing Circle with Judith Hancox has been wonderful for me.
When my Son Andrew transitioned I had "swelling" (layman’s terms) in my heart which I never had prior. I have had to follow up with a cardiologist for years. I recently had an echocardiogram which indicated that my heart is beginning to heal. I told my cardiologist about the healing circle and how I feel calm and peaceful during and afterwards. Nothing else I've tried before has helped my heart and soul. My cardiologist asked me to pass along a big thank you to Judith from him, and I thank her as well, from the bottom of my heart...literally.
Just a bit more detail about the physical healing that is taking place in my heart. I have Recurrent Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy which developed after Andrew’s (my only child) sudden, unexpected transition. (Drowning in the Gulf of Mexico while kayaking with a lacrosse teammate) Prior to that I was working full time as a NICU nurse, playing tennis, walking 10 miles every weekend and had no cardiac issues whatsoever. I now only work one day a week and have decreased my exercise to only yoga. My cardiologist tried medication, biofeedback, and a Rx to significantly reduce all activities.
My cardiologist was beaming when he reviewed the results of my last echocardiogram with me last Tuesday! He was stunned, as my heart has finally returned to its normal size. There is mild scar tissue on the pericardium from the swelling, but that is to be expected.
Of course, he asked me what I was doing differently (as nothing he tried in the past had worked) I immediately told him about your healing circle and how I feel tremendous love and peace when I attend, and how that love and peace stays with me throughout. Judi, this is absolute validation that the genuine love and healing that you send out in the circles works on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. And I have the results from the echocardiogram to prove it. I can't possibly thank you enough! My heart was physically broken when Andrew transitioned, and you have healed it. You truly are a healer!
I'm extremely grateful, Judith's sessions have been profoundly healing as my last echocardiogram will attest.
As I was writing to Judith, Andrew prompted me to mention a profound event which may or may not be something that you would also want for the newsletter at some point.
I was in excruciating pain with Andrews passing and I was also furious with water because he drowned in the gulf of Mexico at night while saving his lacrosse teammate. We lived on a lake in FL and I was angry with the water in the lake (I know it sounds ridiculous) I was looking at the water in the lake thinking how I hated it. A portion of the lake was in our backyard.
I inherited Andrew's parrot who was my constant companion and was on my shoulder when I opened the back door to the screened in porch and Ace flew onto a lily pad in the lake. I immediately rushed down and stepped approximately 2 feet into the water to scoop Ace up with my left hand when suddenly a alligator engulfed my right arm in his mouth.
He immediately pulled me into deeper water and was violently moving his head and large tail side to side. Ace had climbed from my left hand to my left shoulder and was hanging on. I could hear and feel the bones in my right arm crunching but I felt no pain at that time. I remember thinking that I would also drown as Andrew did and I was OK with that.
At the exact moment I had that thought the alligator stopped, opened his mouth, and swam away. I got back to shore with Ace still on my left shoulder and walked, bleeding profusely, into the house, and was rushed to the ER( I have the ER report which states "attacked by alligator" and the damage to my right arm as a result)
Even though my arm was mangled, remarkably, I was able to go home that night without surgery as somehow the many severe bites missed major veins and arteries and didn't break any bones. I never had an infection and only a few scars remain. And Ace is happily on my left shoulder as I'm typing this email.
I often think of this, as this was definitely Andrew rescuing me! And I think somehow it's tied into the water and the thought I had when the alligator suddenly released me. A FWC investigator came to the ER to interview me, as they have to document all alligator attacks in Florida. He said in 30 years he has never heard a report of an alligator suddenly releasing their prey. And he said that they never leave with a empty mouth and the fact that he didn't attack Ace was even more Remarkable to him.
This was Andrew's most amazing rescue. And profoundly demonstrated to me our unbreakable bond and eternal connection. I have a book filled with wonderful, tangible, undeniable signs from him, but I think this was perhaps his most amazing. Our precious children really are always with us!
Much love to you and profound gratitude to you and all of HPH
~Kathleen and Andrew (and Ace :)
- Julie Hafen's Validation with her daughter Kailyn through Beth Lynch
- Mike Johnson's Validation with his daughter Autumn through Gordon Smith, Fara Gibson, and Ernie Jackson