Kelly Hammaker's Validation with her sons Jake and Austin through Fara Gibson
- Sep
- 20
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Kelly Hammaker, Jake / Austin / Fara Gibson
I wanted to tell you about a reading my friend Angie and I, another shining light mom, had with Fara Gibson on September 16, 2024.
She brought through both of our sons, Jake and Austin right away, said they had both passed suddenly and unexpectedly, they both left four days apart in 2020 of accidental overdoses. She said they have a great time together as do Angie and I. We had never met before our sons had passed.
She said Jake was with me when I had hiked on Sunday before the reading, which I had done, said Angie doesn’t hike like my mom, we laughed at that. She said Jake wanted me to find him so that we could be alone in that moment. She talked about him rock climbing, that I still had all of his climbing gear in his room. She said that I was the one who found jake in his room and out of anyone that could have found him Jake chose me to complete his story. Jake was studying to become a doctor at the time of his passing and that he was a big health nut. She said he was with us when we went to Spain in march and knew we lit candles for him. Talked about his siblings and said he will be with his brother and is always with him when he does his bike races; his brother is headed to Canada on September 18 to do a 150-mile bike race, he does many of these. Said he still plays his guitar in the afterlife and talked about the beautiful blue Fender guitar he had bought before he died, and that I still have in his room and will never part with. He says the red-tailed hawks I see are sent from him and said I love you mom.
Angie’s son Austin came through and talked about how much he loved the snow and the outdoors. Austin said that Angie still has his snowboard and so does his sister Alyssa. He loved hunting and shooting animals, Jake said thanks to Austin there are a lot more animals in heaven, we laughed hard at that one. He talked about how his dad hasn’t hunted said he left, said his dad cleans the guns often but won’t use them, he told Angie to tell his dad to go hunting and he will be with him. he talked about a hunt they did together before he passed and how he chased the deer to his dad so he could shoot it, and make a mount out of the skull, said “your welcome dad!” Austin said Angie’s niece Ruby, who was born two weeks before Austin passed, can see him and talks to him all the time, Austin was very close to her dad. Jake says Austin smokes pot like its air! She brought through that how Austin and Angie made butter with pot in it and how terrible it tasted! Angie says Austin loved his pot! Austins dad was having an issue with his foot but he never had to have surgery, Austin says your welcome dad.
Fara truly has a gift and brought both of our boys through and she was so much fun and laughed through the whole thing at how funny our boys were!
~Kelley Hammaker
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