NEW AFFILIATE CO-LEADER! HPH - Denver with Dave Derby and Krista Bell
- Jul
- 16
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Dave Derby/Krista Bell & Nicholas
Dave Derby:
My “normal” life ended in September 1999 when I was told that my daughter was in a car accident. My wife and I rushed to the hospital to discover our beloved “Ginger” had passed on the operating table. She was 20. Her adult life was just starting and then it was suddenly over. Her passing took a long, long time to fathom.
One of the most helpful things on my journey was when I saw a psychic. Not something I considered before losing “Ginger”. I’m a math/science guy so psychics just did not compute. It only took one session to turn my thinking completely around. Support groups and books tempered my grief but the psychic brought me a sense of peace unlike anything I’d ever encountered.
In 2011 my daughter “Tracy” passed from a rare form of cancer at the age of 42 and we were again facing the passing of our child. She had a family and kids so we had the added pain of watching our grandsons grieve.
It has been helpful to sense my daughters around me and see the signs they provide. It will never be “okay” that they are gone from life but their signs do give some joy and the means to continue my life journey until we are reunited.
Krista Bell:
Krista Bell began her journey with HPH when her 19 year old son, Nicholas, transitioned from particle to wave via an accidental overdose. She found HPH during the quarantine; she was so grateful to participate in an organization that acknowledges that consciousness survives the death of the human body. She hopes that all bereaved parents can transform into shining light parents by learning to communicate with their children in spirit form. Moreover, Krista is so happy to be a part of an organization that facilitates healing grief through connection and compassion. Truly, all we have is this generous present moment.
Krista's email: bellhypnosis@gmail.com
Please join our FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/helpingparentshealcoloradowesternslope/
Third Thursday of each month at 7:00PM MST
This will be a virtual meeting using Zoom going forward even after everything opens up. We are having this meeting to reach Shining Light parents who live in remote areas of Colorado and would find it challenging to attend a live meeting due to distance and the difficulty of traversing the Rocky Mountains.
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