NEW CO-AFFILIATE CO-LEADERS - Helping Parents Heal - Tampa Bay
- Feb
- 1
- 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Please join me, Kathy MacMannis, Rosanne Groover Norris, Patti May, Cathy Zimmerman, and Irene Vouvalides in welcoming the newest members of our team! Kathy and Mike Fooshee will be joining Cathy in Tampa Bay! We are grateful that they are joining us.
Cathy Zimmerman’s Bio:
My husband and I raised two wonderful, smart, and caring boys. Unfortunately, our younger son, Ross, became addicted to drugs in his teen years. For nine years we did everything we knew possible to help him including sending him to numerous rehabs. During those years Ross advised me to seek help for myself in a support group for family members of people with addictions. Thankfully I took his advice. Twenty months after I joined that support group, Ross grew weary of fighting the battle against drug addiction and chose to leave by suicide. I feel at peace knowing he finally has the peace he couldn’t find here. Helping Parents Heal has taught me that I can still have an on-going relationship with Ross and that our love continues on and grows stronger every day.
Mike and Kathy Fooshee's Bio:
We are parents and stepparents of four children, three on this earth and one who transitioned on March 4, 2019. Our third chronological son, Nicholas Malamatos was a drug addict, and accidentally overdosed due to Fentanyl. Living with an addict we knew this was always a possibility; however, it still was a shock as Nick had been sober for one and a half years prior to his transition. To help us in our grief, we learned of a support group, Journey to Healing Hearts, that was specific to loved ones transitioning due to a drug overdose.
That is where we met Cathy Zimmerman, Affiliate Leader, who told us about HPH Tampa Bay. In our years of healing, we attended both Journey to Healing Hearts, as well as the HPH meetings. This year, Cathy asked if we would act as Co-Leaders of HPH, as the founding members were stepping down. As we look to the future, we continue to explore new opportunities to make a difference by volunteering, which has been our personal passion. In addition to volunteering as HPH Tampa Bay Affiliate Leaders, we serve on the Hillsborough County Board of Directors of NOPE (Narcotics Overdose Prevention Education) – Hillsborough County. We help set up and act as a Family Speaker at Middle and High School presentations, to bring awareness to the dangers of drugs, overdose and addiction. We also continue to serve at Trinity Café, part of Feeding Tampa Bay, feeding those who have food deficiencies, on a weekly basis. By serving others, we believe it helps make sense of our sons crossing the veil.
Tampa Affiliate meetings are typically held the last Thursday of each month.
Please feel free to reach out with questions to Cathy Zimmerman at HPHTampaBay@gmail.com
Please visit our Helping Parents Heal Tampa Facebook:www.facebook.com/groups/helpingparentshealtampabay/
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