The Wisdom of Greg - Greg and Bill's Shared Death Experience
- Jun
- 3
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Greg with his Gramma
Written by Susan Van Oije with Bill and Greg
Bill is just an ordinary guy who has had extraordinary things happen to him since the passing of his son Greg. Susan writes it all down. The Calgary, Canada affiliate leaders are on an amazing journey with their son.
One of the most astounding events to happen to us since our son Greg's passing almost 10 years ago happened on May 18. My husband Bill and Greg teamed up to guide my beloved mother to the other side.
We want to share this deeply personal experience with you, fellow Shining Light Parents, because it provides proof that when any of us pass from this earthly plane, we are guided and supported with so much love to a place that is free of all suffering and pain.
I got a call that night from my sister telling me that my 88-year-old mother had passed. She had been doing poorly for some time, and I had flown out twice in the previous two months to visit her in the hospital and at her assisted living home.
When my sister's call came through, Bill was in our office meditating as he often does. He said he had felt compelled to meditate even though it was late in the evening.
After his meditation, he came out of the office and into the kitchen where I was sitting at the table talking on the phone to our daughter Kristin, telling her about her Gramma. I told Bill while I was on the phone with our daughter that my Mom had passed. He immediately went back into the office to write down what he had been about to tell me had happened during his meditation.
This is what he experienced, and it is so beautiful. Here is what Bill said:
"Within five minutes of starting my meditation I no longer heard the meditation music playing and I'm in her room. I entered the room through the wall at the corner of the room. The room was tiny. I saw a bed with white sheets and a tiny body lying there. Then I felt her hovering above her body as a mass of energy, and she was quiet and at peace. I felt her say something to me.
"She said, 'I see your light, Bill," and I said to her, 'Go to the big light, Mary,' and as soon as I said that her grandson immediately popped in. Greg said, 'We are welcoming her. She has joined us.'"
Then Bill said that as he was writing down what had happened, he heard Greg say, "She is fine. Happy to be here! No more pain, no more suffering. Decompression time. Lots of loved ones for her here. Needs time to process."
As if that wasn't astounding enough, I got the idea about an hour later to ask Bill to describe my Mom's room. I had spent many hours with her in that tiny room at her assisted living home where she passed and knew every inch of it.
I had never described to Bill what her room looked like. I gave him a piece of paper and a pen, and he drew the exact configuration of the room: the location of the bed with the head of it raised up and a pillow and white sheets, the location of a window and the view of green trees outside the window, and the location of a TV. Stunning validation that Bill was in our office meditating, but his Soul traveled 1,700 miles in an instant to my Mom's room as she was leaving this Earth and helped to guide her to Greg and his team on the other side.
It soon dawned on me, because of what I've learned through Helping Parents Heal, that what Bill, Greg and my Mom experienced was a Shared Death Experience, or SDE. It's a profound experience between a living person and someone passing to the next world. The term SDE was coined by Dr. Raymond Moody, whose research confirmed that what happens in an SDE is very similar to what is reported in near-death experiences. William Peters, SDE researcher and founder of the Shared Crossing Project, has spoken several times to Helping Parents Heal about SDEs, and his videos are available on the HPH YouTube channel.
I am eternally grateful to my husband for guiding his mother-in-law to "the big light," to my amazing son and his team for welcoming his Gramma Home, and to my Source and Creator, who oversees everything.
Some of you may know that what we're experiencing since Greg passed is extraordinary. It's been so extraordinary that we know we have to share our experiences with other parents to offer them hope. If you would like to hear more about how our kids are always with us, and the beautiful guiding messages our son has given us over the years, here are the links to the two videos we've made for the HPH YouTube channel: HPH welcomed Susan & Bill Van Oije, 'From Wow to How!' (youtube.com) On February 3rd, Bill Van Oije spoke to Helping Parents Heal - YouTube
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