The Wisdom of Greg - He Knew All Along
- Dec
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- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
Bill is just an ordinary guy who has had extraordinary things happen to him since the passing of his son Greg. Susan writes it all down. The Calgary, Canada affiliate leaders are on an amazing journey with their son.
Our son Greg knew he wasn't going to get old.
Toward the end of what turned out to be his last years on Earth, Greg and his Dad would be at a movie or out for a burger and Bill would say to Greg that he needed to take better care of himself, and Greg would say something like, "I'm not going to get old anyways." Greg didn't talk to me, his Mom, about these thoughts because he knew I already worried about him a lot.
We knew Greg was reckless with his life on many fronts, and we tried mightily to move him off the destructive path he was on, but Greg paid no mind to the consequences of his actions and just wanted to have fun. It was as if he knew he was here for a good time and not a long time. HPH Caring Listeners founder Dr. Mark Pitstick says one hallmark of more evolved souls is that they may sense -- consciously or unconsciously -- that they won't be on Earth for a long time before going back Home.
In the year before he left this Earth in 2014, Greg told his Dad he was shocked that he was 27 years old and hadn't done anything with his life, and age 30 was looming. Greg passed at age 27 from the effects of drug abuse.
I believe quite a few parents with a child on the other side have had a similar experience: their child had a "knowing" that they would transition early. They often leave behind things for us to discover that show they knew all along that their time on Earth was to be short.
More often than not these children, including our son, are described by those they've left behind on the earthly plane as big-hearted, bigger-than-life, and just extraordinary in so many ways. A friend of ours said after Greg passed that he was a deep and gentle soul and just too good for this Earth.
Not only did Greg know he wasn't going to get old, he also knew where he was going: the stars. In a very emotional discovery I made recently while going through a box of mementos I kept after his passing, Greg reached across the years to remind us that he had a deep inner knowing of where his life on Earth was headed.
While I was looking for something else in the box, I came across a copy I made nine years ago of an online profile Greg had created in the year that he passed. In his list of what he's "really good at," Greg wrote: "Astronomy/Astrology (the wonders of the Universe intrigue me)." And then he wrote: "Predicting things (it's weird)."
In his list of what he spends "a lot of time thinking about," he wrote this: "How on earth did I get to be this old already?" And then he wrote: "If you really want to get me going, start talking about the Universe and Carl Sagan."
In the years before he passed, Greg would spend hours looking up at the stars while lying on the grass in the park behind our house. It was like he knew that's where he was from. Greg was a big fan of Sagan, who famously said, "The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff." It's a quote I printed out and framed to place on Greg's memory table at his celebration of life. At the time I didn't know why I felt compelled to do that, and now I know Greg nudged me.
Then Bill, who discovered an ability to communicate in a very deep way with his son very shortly after Greg passed, had an astonishing dream visit from Greg a year after his transition. Greg came to his Dad in an incredibly vivid dream as a star in space.
Bill remembers: "He started to talk to me out of the star; I could hear his voice...He told me, 'I am a star, Dad!' He wanted me to see him as he is now, and he is amazing. Pure white love and healing, just coming off of him in waves." In another dream a few months after he passed, Greg told his Dad, "I am in the cosmos." And we discovered that the last song Greg listened to on the MP3 player in his car was Coldplay's 'A Sky Full of Stars'.
Bill said he knew in the dream that Greg had been given star status for what he had done for him. Greg has told his Dad in their communications that he was meant to leave this Earth at a young age to wake up his Dad to the knowledge that we are all part of the One, our Source and Creator, and that we are light, we are love, and we are eternal. Greg has explained to his Dad several times that after thousands of lifetimes spent switching the roles of father and son, it was part of their Soul Contract.
Greg knew all along.
If you would like to hear more about our amazing experiences, Bill and I have twice spoken to HPH and the videos are available on the HPH YouTube channel: click here HPH welcomed Susan & Bill Van Oije, 'From Wow to How!' - YouTube for our most recent video detailing the beautiful messages Greg gives us about how to live our best life in this very challenging place and grow our souls, and click here On February 3rd, Bill Van Oije spoke to Helping Parents Heal - YouTube for the video in which Bill details some of the astounding signs we've received from our son.
~Written by Susan Van Oije with Bill and Greg
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