Charlene Maher's Validation with her daughter Caitlyn, her nephew Guy, and her dad Guy, through Daisy Mae Moore
- Mar
- 18
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Caitlyn/Charlene's nephew Guy/Guy, her Dad/Daisy Mae Moore
This is my daughter Caitlyn, my nephew Guy and my dad Guy.
Daisy Mae Moore mentioned the name of Charlene and Charlotte, which is me and my mom. She described a dark wood deck with a dark banister. My deck off my back patio is dark brown with a black banister and looks over my daughter’s memorial flower garden. My daughter, father, and nephew are all in spirit. It’s so reassuring to know that they are all together. Dad mentioned David, who is a cousin of mine, and he mentioned 'July' which is mine and Dad’s birthday month.
The mention of a mustache makes sense for my nephew or even my brother. The mention of the marble up the nose is quite funny. I called my brother and found out it was my nephew’s uncle who got a marble stuck up his nose. Shooting in the family is a big thing, my brother and Dad and nephew all were avid hunters as well as my brother-in-law.
The mention of Tuesday makes sense as Caitlyn passed early on Wednesday morning, so Tuesday was her last day in this world.
The mention of the hydrangea was amazing! I had just pruned it the day before. How comforting to know that she is with me. She was with me that day when I dumped the new rock down, too. The birds were singing like crazy. When we notice signs and wonder if it’s our kids and then find out that it is them sending us the signs, it just fills my heart with such joy. They are truly right here with us everyday in our normal lives.
I put out the fake bird every spring. I have a rooster and a bobble bird. Caity could be referring to either one.
I’m so glad that she has her same personality. That makes me so happy. She could be a goofball at times.
I called my brother about Guy doing the under-arm movement (fart) and he said, 'yes, I could see him doing that.'
Thank you, Daisy, so much for bringing through my Caity and my dad and my nephew. This means the world to me.
Thank you, Elizabeth and Irene, for all you do for this group. I’d truly be lost without it.
~Char (Caity’s Mom)
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
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