Evolved Souls Don’t Need Long Earthly Experiences - April 2024 by Mark Pitstick, MA, D
- Mar
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- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Evolved Souls Don’t Need Long Earthly Experiences
April 2024 by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
To all family members, I am very sorry about the death of your child’s human form. (Your daughter and/or son didn't really die even though their earth-suit did. That's an extremely important distinction.) I’m glad you are learning how to heal and transform despite this seeming tragedy. Six key understandings to making that shift are:
1. Over 99% of who and what your child 'was' is still alive in the next phase of life. This is true no matter how they passed on. See the following articles at SoulProof.com for a review of the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence for this statement.
- #1 Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death Is NOT the End of Life
- #60 Clinical Evidence That Life Continues After Physical Death
- #115 Firsthand Experience Evidence for Life After Death
- Again, only their earthly body died: everything else about them continues – all the love, energy, sense of humor, memories, personality, energetic / spiritual body, and much more.
They are happy, peaceful, loving, and enthusiastic – and want you to be that way now too. Read article #2 When a Child Changes Worlds and #93 For Bereaved Parents and Family Members to learn how you can do that.
4. You will see them when you pass on and can enjoy a different kind of relationship now. To learn more about how you can do this, see article #9 Visit With ‘Departed’ Loved Ones Now
5. You can choose – moment by moment – to transmute your grief into a spiritually transformative experience that powerfully improves your life and blesses others. To learn how, see article #82 Journey from 'Bereaved' to 'Shining Light'
6. You can heal and share gifts from their life and transition from earth by lovingly serving others. Read article #84 Heal and Transform Your Suffering.
After a child changes worlds, family members understandably feel much pain, sadness, anger, guilt, and other lower-energy emotions. No one could or should ever judge that. However, many have learned to regularly use keys #1 - 6 above and, over time, and feel more peace, joy, love, and gratitude. To learn more about how you can do this, see article #108 Higher Energies, Emotions, and Ways of Being.
You can do the same. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible with small steps day by day using the above keys and six action steps . . .
- Attend online HPH meetings on the Calendar and attend local Affiliate Groups. (If there's not an in-person group nearby, consider staring one.)
- Use Special Interest Groups that offer more focused service for fathers, siblings, parents of children who passed by suicide or substance abuse, and much more.
- Contact The Caring Listeners to talk with at no charge
- Read free articles at SoulProof.com and take relevant action steps
- Listen to free Radio Shows at SoulProof.com and experts' answers to life’s toughest questions including “Why do children die?”
- Lean on others as needed. Later, when you are doing better, you can help others.
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Q: Dear Mark, thanks for the information in your March 2024 Soul Proof newsletter. Our beautiful son also passed away by suicide. (I still find it hard to say that word). He was an absolute gentleman, intelligent, loving towards everyone, and never took drugs or alcohol.
But once he lost his dream job, everything turned quickly . . . it was totally out of character as he loved life!
It's been 4 1/2 years and we are still struggling to find a new normal. I've searched high and low for good answers about the afterlife and really like the simplicity and certainty behind yours. My God we miss our son! He was an absolute blessing but was taken away from us and himself! I'm confused and frustrated. - Joe
A: Dear Joe, I am very sorry to hear about your son's passing and all the suffering you understandably feel. Shock, guilt, frustration, and anger are common emotions parents have after their child change worlds via suicide.
You and your family can heal and transform from this. Helping Parents Heal has the resources to help you do that more easily and quickly than you might imagine. Before recommending resources, I'd like to comment on these two sentences of yours: He was an absolute blessing but was taken away from us and himself!
Much of the suffering people feel after any type of perceived loss is due to not fully knowing how life is set up. Your son still is an absolute blessing; you just can't sense that yet likely due to: (a) your deep grief, (b) lack of knowledge about the nature of reality, and (c) limited or erroneous religious teachings from your past. I'm not being critical, it's just the way things are. Most people don't understand the big picture of life and suffer immensely because of it.
He wasn't taken away from you as you will likely learn if you following the recommendations below. Many parents continue to have stellar relationships with their children who has passed on but definitely not passed away. And he wasn't taken away from himself. As mentioned in the introduction to this Q & A, his earthly body is less than 1% of who and what he really is. His consciousness / life force / soul is still very much alive.
What's more, your son wasn't 'taken away' by God or life. His suicide may have been an impulsive action that he wouldn't take if he could do things over gain. Or, he might have suffered with mental illness or other imbalances that he didn't share with you. For more information, see article #36 Suicide: Core Causes and Holistic Solutions. Whatever the case, the timing and means of his passing certainly wasn't unilaterally decreed by a big guy in the sky. To learn more about this, see article #78 Why Did God Take My Loved One?!
I recommend the following resources to help you and your family feel more peace and acceptance about his passing. All of these resources are important, but I'd start with recommendations #1, 3, article 4 under #5, and using all the audio techniques under #6.
- Watch interviews with group leaders and caring listeners.
Affiliate Leader / Caring Listener Interviews https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/youtube-videos/affiliate-leadercaring-listener-interviews/
Join a local group if one exists near you. (If not, consider starting one if and when that feels right for you.) To search, visit:
Affiliate Leaders (to find in-person groups near you) https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/affiliate-groups/helping-parents-heal/
Use the Caring Listeners, a free service I started and oversee with clinical support.
Caring Listeners https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/caring-listeners/
Attend on-line meetings, especially ones that seem important to you.
Calendar of On-Line Events https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/calendar/
Articles that address the most commonly asked questions and biggest challenges (free atSoulProof.com/Articles)
#1 Scientific Evidence That Bodily Death Is NOT the End of Life
#2 When a Child Changes Worlds
#4 When a Loved One Passes On by Suicide
#60 Clinical Evidence That Life Continues After Physical Death
#82 Journey FROM Deeply Grieving TO Shining Light
#93 For Bereaved Parents and Family Members
#108 Higher Energies, Emotions, and Ways of Being
#115 Firsthand Experience Evidence for Life After Death
- Use these experiential audio programs:
- Holistic Breathing Technique
Start with this one as directed for one month to release the lower energies and emotions such as deep sadness, anger, guilt, and more. It's noisy so you probably want to do it when you're home alone. (To learn more about it, see article #70 Holistic Breathing Technique)
Holistic Breathing Technique https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu4b3tLnu8s
- Ask Your Soul, Angels, and G.O.D.
Then add the next program AND continue program (a) but less often. For more information, see article #71 Ask Your Soul, Angels, and G.O.DThis session allows you to feel the presence of your higher self, The Light, and your spiritual support team. You can access your and their wisdom and guidance for how to optimally heal, transform, and help others.
Ask Your Soul, G.O.D., and Angels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTXJLt4FlgU
- Listen to my free Radio ShowsatSoulProof.com where I ask questions to top experts in consciousness and the afterlife. (All the transcripts are in my book The Eleven Questions.)
To Joe and all parents, please follow this program for 90 days then let me know how you are doing and we'll go from there.
Hugs, love, and blessings as you increasingly heal, transform, and shine!
Note #1: As long as my schedule allows, I will email brief but information and resource-packed replies to any bereaved parent or family member at no charge. Email me at mark@soulproof.com with your biggest questions and toughest challenges and I'll create a personalized holistic program for you.
Note #2: My inexpensive audio products, books, and documentary film can help you heal, optimally transform, discover the silver linings to your child's bodily death, and use those to help yourself and others. Email me if you cannot afford any of these products and we’ll send a complimentary digital copy.
Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care. Dr. Pitstick’s recommendations are based on over fifty years of training and experience in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and chiropractic holistic health practice. Some of his statements are supported by clinical and scientific data while others are based on experiential evidence and his best current understandings.
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, counselor with a masters in clinical psychology, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and workshop / webinar teacher. Mark also completed extensive postgraduate training in clinical nutrition. While attending theology school majoring in pastoral counseling, he provided suicide prevention counseling and education. Mark directs The SoulPhone Foundation, founded Greater Reality Living groups, and assists SoulPhone Project research for the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. His mission is to help you know and show – no matter what is happening to you or around you – that this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit SoulProof.com for free articles, radio shows, and newsletters.
- Charlene Maher's Validation with her daughter Caitlyn, her nephew Guy, and her dad Guy, through Daisy Mae Moore
- Don and Darlene McCarthy's Validation with their daughter Kristina from Daniel John