Christine Munsey's Validation with her son Connor through Beth Lynch
- Jan
- 29
- 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Connor / Beth Lynch
Last night I was blessed to receive a reading from Beth Lynch.
I had been having a tough couple of weeks and was really missing my son, Connor. I know he is still with me and sending me signs, but was missing him in the physical. Connor passed by suicide on July 13, 2022. I struggle with what could I have done or did I do something that lead him in that direction. Connor had just moved from my house to Seattle to establish residency. He was to begin medical school. Before Connor completed suicide, he called me and told me what he was going to do. He told me he was going to put me through something no mother should have to go through, but he was just in too much pain to continue in this life. He apologized and said he was sorry for any rude remarks, trouble or shortness he may have been responsible for in his life. He asked me if we could talk for a bit about some of our favorite memories we had together. When we ended the conversation, he took a fatal dose of fentanyl.
Beth mentioned the names Allie, Jeanne, and Claire.
I am now Grandma to Connor's cat, Allie. Jeanne is my sister and Claire was Connor's girlfriend.
Beth talked about a necklace with silver chain. I have a small portion of Connor's ashes in a necklace with a silver chain.
Beth mentioned looking at the stars. I lay out at night and look at the stars when the weather is good. Last night, I was looking out the window at the stars, and saw a falling star. THANK YOU CONNOR!.
Beth said she was hearing sneakers. Before Connor moved we got him a new pair. He was currently working as an EMT and on his feet constantly. He loved the shoes and talked about how comfortable they were. HIs dad now has those shoes.
Beth mentioned an "A" name. I couldn't think at the moment, but of course, that was Allie! Connor so loved his cat, and thought by his actions, he might have caused the death of Allie. Allie is alive, well, and spoiled. She arrived to my house they day before Connor's celebration of life.
Beth said she heard, "Sorry Mom". Just as he had told me before in his last call to me.
She also said she saw blue eyes. Connor had beautiful blue eyes!
Beth asked if someone was pregnant. I had just been thinking about when I was pregnant with him. I loved how close we were and I could feel his every movement.
She said Connor said, "I'm safe" This made so much sense to me. Connor had a couple of attempts prior to the final one in which I so worried about him. I can't tell you how comforting this was to me.
Thank you for all you do Elizabeth. I am so thankful for finding you and HPH shortly after Connor passed. I have sent a picture of Connor when young and shortly before he moved. The younger picture you can see those beautiful blue eyes better than older pictures.
With love,
~Christine Munsey
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here
- Nancy Hejna’s Validation with her sons Will and Joey through Manisha Akhauri
- Hope Duffy's Validations from her Daughter Gabby from Beth Lynch - part III!