Hope Duffy's Validations from her Daughter Gabby from Beth Lynch - part III!
- Jan
- 29
- 2025
by Elizabeth Boisson
Gabby with tattoos / Gabby's decorated gravesite / note with Smiley Face / Gabby in the Marines / Beth Lynch / crocheted Smiley Face keychains / Gabby and her brother Nathan
Hello Elizabeth and Beth,
I first want to send a big THANK YOU to you Elizabeth, for everything you do for HPH and to Beth for bringing in such amazing validations from Gabby.
Beth Lynch first heard Nathan, which is my son's name and is of course Gabby’s brother. I knew right away it was Gabby trying to get my attention. Beth said she was behind me and kissing the top of my head which I found so interesting because whenever I feel Gabby’s presence I get tingles on top of my head. Gabby acknowledged that my grief comes in waves and sometimes a tidal wave. We just had her 2nd angelversary on 1/8 and I’ve told my husband that the grief wave was not letting up.
Then she started speaking about how thankful she was for Elizabeth and Irene and all they do to help us parents on this journey. She was speaking on behalf of all the kids there and I couldn’t agree more! That is how I feel every day.
Gabby showed Beth her gravesite and said, “It’s quite the to do” which made me so happy because we take such care to decorate her headstone for every occasion. It’s just our way of showing her how much we love her. I thought it was interesting that she said, “You know I don’t stay there mom” because every time I leave the cemetery I kiss her picture and say, “Come on baby, let’s go home.” acknowledging that very fact.
Gabby showed Beth a tattoo studio acknowledging the event done in her honor. Then she acknowledged how much love she had/has around her all the time. She knows she is LOVED and said, “I felt your love mommy, I always knew I was loved.”
Then Beth asked if I was getting another tattoo which is funny because I’ve been talking about how I feel the need for another one!
Gabby then showed Beth the symbol of a smiley face. Just this past weekend my husband had been working on a project in the garage. He joked, “Well I better get to work” and a few hours later came inside the house to show me a note that he found that Gabby had written years ago! And she added a smiley face on it! She did this a lot, so much so that last year on her birthday I had crocheted smiley face keychains and hid them throughout Modesto in her honor.
Gabby also mentioned Mother’s Day and at first I thought she was referencing how I was feeling about it but after reflection I realized she was talking about the pictures I have of her on my work desk. Both of these pictures were taken on Mother’s Day in different years! She also mentioned an Anchor tattoo and she had one on her forearm to symbolize her time in the Marines.
Every single thing you brought through was amazing validations from our Gabby. Thank you so much Beth for sharing your gifts with us.
~Hope Duffy - Gabby's Mom
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
- Christine Munsey's Validation with her son Connor through Beth Lynch
- Charlene Maher's Validation with her daughter Caitlyn through Beth Lynch