Evolved Souls Don't Need Long Earthly Experiences July 2023
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- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
Evolved Souls Don’t Need Long Earthly Experiences
July 2023
by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
To all family members, I am very sorry about the death of your child’s human form. However, I’m glad you are learning that – except for the earthly body – he or she is alive, happy, peaceful, and wants you to be the same. I'm also happy that you are learning how to heal and transform despite this seeming tragedy. Six key understandings to making that shift are:
1. Approximately 99% of who and what your child “was” is still alive in the next phase of life. This is true no matter how they passed on. See articles #1 and 60 at SoulProof.com for a review of the scientific and clinical evidence for this statement. For more information, see my short and easy-to-read book The Afterlife Evidence.
- Only his earthly body died. Everything else continues – the love, energy, sense of humor, memory, personality, energetic body, and much more. Really knowing this is a key to healing.
- She is happy, peaceful, loving, and enthusiastic – and wants you to be that way now too. Read article #2 When a Child Changes Worlds and #93 For Bereaved Parents and Family Members to learn how you can do that.
- You will see him when you pass on and can enjoy a different kind of relationship now. To learn more about how you can do this, see article #9 Visit With ‘Departed’ Loved Ones Now
- You can choose to transmute your grief into a spiritually transformative experience that powerfully improves your life and blesses others. See article #82 Journey from 'Bereaved' to 'Shining Light'
- You can heal and increase the gifts from his life by lovingly serving others. Read article #84 Heal and Transform Your Suffering
After a child changes worlds, family members understandably feel much pain, sadness, anger, guilt, and other lower energy emotions. No one could or should ever judge that. However, many have learned to emphasize #1 – 6 above and enjoy life again. They have journeyed – one step at a time – FROM primarily identifying as bereaved TO shining light persons.
Shining light family members have sad feeling too at times, but they choose to focus – as much as possible – on appreciation for great times and memories, realization they will see their child again, and transformation by finding the silver linings. They resolve to make the world a better place in honor of their children by creating more meaning to their life and passing.
You can do the same. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible with small steps day by day. To learn more, see article #2 at SoulProof.com. Here are five action steps . . .
- Attend local and online Helping Parents Heal meetings
- Contact The Caring Listeners to talk with at no charge
- Read free articles at SoulProof.com and take relevant action steps
- Listen to free Radio Shows at SoulProof.com and experts' answers to life’s toughest questions including “Why do children die?”
- Lean on others as needed. Later, when you are doing better, you can help others.
This month's Q & A involves several questions, in bolded type, from the same mom. My replies to each follow a double asterisk . . .
Q: Q: My teenage son ended his earthly existence by suicide in February. He wasn't the typical ultra-caring, selfless being that had accomplished all the love for a whole lifetime. He was generally moody, uncooperative, and sometimes even mean. He had moved out and refused to speak to me. Despite our lack of contact, I had foreboding dreams about him starting three months prior to his passing. Everyone thought I was crazy when I claimed he could be suicidal and begging for help. And then it happened: he hung himself and blamed me in his note. How can I deal with all this?
** Oh my, Amber, that is a very tough one. The old saying 'we always hurt the one we love' comes to mind. He was obviously very unhappy and imbalanced. I hope you can avoid taking his blame personally. His body / brain choice for his soul may have been an impulsive or immature one, thus his mental status. Articles #5 and 36 discuss other factors that can lead to suicide.
Since there seemed to be some unearthly connection between us, I assumed that he would immediately visit me from the other side. I hoped he would tell me that he understands I was just trying to look after him. He didn't get in touch right away and by the time he did I guess I had started to doubt and question. He has come to me a couple of times and spoken a couple of words to me since his passing, but it seemed to be extremely difficult for him at that time.
** Just a few months isn't very long for an unsettled person who passed by suicide. I'm not surprised that there is little or no communication. Actually, it's impressive that he is sending and you are receiving some words. He may need rest and rehab for a while before reentering the stream of life and being able to accomplish communication with loved ones on earth.
Given this, you may want to 'act as if'. That is, live with positive expectation that you two will reach a much better relationship in time. Make that your goal and take action steps to making it happen.
I've decided to work hard on my own vibration and learn techniques to make it easier so we can have a full-fledged relationship eventually. This is what led me to HPH and your incredible website.
** Great idea! I'd start by internalizing the six key understandings above and taking the five action steps. Also use the Holistic Breathing Technique (for more information, see article #70) for a month and on an ongoing basis. Then use the Ask Your Soul, G.O.D., and Angels Technique (see article #71) sessions to gain inner wisdom and guidance about how to optimally move forward. In two months, start using the Facilitated After Death Communication Technique as recommended in the introduction to improve the relationship with your son.
I already live a fairly natural and healthy life and I've started meditating regularly. Should I book a counseling session and talk through some of this with you? Or should I go ahead and give some of your products a try?
** I'd get more calm and clear using the above techniques first. After that, we can have a counseling session if you feel the need.
Kudos for handling all this so well. The potential silver linings can be proportional, or even greater than, the pain and suffering. I look forward to hearing about the magnificent blessings that come from this. Please let me know how you are doing in 90 days.
Hugs, love, and blessings as you heal, transform, and remember the big picture of life!
Notes: I will email brief but very helpful and informative replies to questions from any bereaved parent or family member at no charge. Email me at mark@soulproof.com and I'll reply quickly.
I mention my audio products and books so you have the necessary resources for healing and transformation. Email me if you need, but cannot afford any products, and we’ll send a complimentary digital copy.
Disclaimer: This information is not designed to replace medical or psychological care. Dr. Pitstick’s recommendations are based on fifty years of training and experience in hospitals, pastoral counseling settings, mental health centers, and chiropractic holistic health practice. Some of his statements are supported by clinical and scientific data while others are based on experiential evidence and his best current understandings.
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, counselor with a masters in clinical psychology, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and workshop / webinar teacher. Mark also completed extensive postgraduate training in clinical nutrition. While attending theology school majoring in pastoral counseling, he provided suicide prevention counseling and education. Mark directs The SoulPhone Foundation, founded Greater Reality Living groups, and assists SoulPhone Project research for the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health. His mission is to help you know and show that – no matter what is happening to you or around you – this earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit SoulProof.com for free articles, radio shows, and newsletters.