Janice Behnke Mote's Validation from her daughter Emily through Daisy Mae Moore
- Apr
- 23
- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
The night before last I woke up at 3:00 in the morning. I felt so sad and I had seen my sweet Emily. Then I remembered James Van Praagh said to write a letter to our children and then put it away and wait for about three days and then listen for their response. Her sister told me later that she had woken up about the same time and also wrote Emily a letter.
Then that day I went outside to do a little bit of clean up in my garden and Daisy Moore was doing a Gallery Reading and I was really surprised but my sweet girl must have known how sad both of us were and she came through.
The 1st word that Daisy brought through was 'Doors,' the name of my aunt. Emily and I have visited her once and she told us her life story so I know that was Aunt Doris.
Then she asked about the month of March. Emily passed on March 10th. She also asked about November, which was my birthday.
Daisy wanted to know if I was thinking about doing some gardening, and I was gardening at that very moment.
When Emily came through, she asked about trains 'you live near train track.' Emily once set off and walked along the tracks once hoping that a train would come to take her home but that didn't happen.
Then Daisy talked about simple flowers that she was going to give me; I like simple tulips, daffodils and poppies and she was giving me some.
Daisy said that Emily was in a dark place in the back of the house so that is most likely the basement. I often think she's there leading me to certain movies/shows.
Daisy asked about an old car that doesn't work anymore. My van broke down and it's been sitting in the yard all winter. Emily said 'Get rid of it.'
Daisy said that Emily wasn't going to send me traditional butterflies or feathers but frogs and snakes instead. While doing the reading a garter snake was seen by Emily's sister in the garage and my youngest in Nashville said she was seeing snakes on vans and other vehicles all day.
Daisy asked if we had a deer's head on a wall. We did in our old house. One that belonged to my brother. Daisy asked if we had Apple trees. I said yes. Emily took herself home via an Apple tree.
Emily's sister listened to the recording. Her reaction was OMG. Daisy was amazing.
Thank you and thank you Emily. You came through when we needed to hear from you most.
~Janice Behnke Mote
Please watch Daisy Mae Moore's YouTube video by clicking here.
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