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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
Kris McDermott's Validation with her son, Kelly, through Fara Gibson

Kris McDermott's Validation with her son, Kelly, through Fara Gibson

  • Posted
    • Jun
    • 14
    • 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson

Our Kelly, 32.5, graduated to Heaven 8/1/21 after a fall from a mountaintop near Aspen Colorado.  He stayed there as recovery team deemed it too dangerous to get him off of the mountain.  For that we are thankful as he loved his mountains.  I was lucky enough to hear about Helping Parents Heal and joined soon after.  I witnessed Fara Gibson conduct a gallery reading at the HPH conference 2022 and from her first word, knew I wanted to book a reading with her.  Reasons being she was so personable, funny, and real up on stage.  Jaw on floor.  So I felt emotionally ready in November of that year and joined her waiting list. I booked her first opening and combined this into a trip to Maui.  Thank you Fara for making me feel so welcome and utterly relaxed in your home.

Reading Highlights:

Fara brought Kelly through immediately.  Kelly said he passed suddenly, unexpectedly, and instantly (thankfully).  He said he had spoken to me not long before leaving.  Yes he stopped over a few days before his trip to discuss his new diagnosis(he was going to lose his vision so he planned a few sightseeing trips). We were discussing new career options.  In the reading, Kelly said there was to be more than one stop on this trip.  Yes, he and his friends were able to do several hikes leading up to his fall.  He said this was a new area and a skill was needed.  Yes, new area, and this was a straight up face.  (Kelly always called these "hikes" to minimize the danger of what he was actually doing.)  

Kelly stated that he was alone on this climb.  Yes, his friends chose not to do this as the weather was not good(rain).  They tried to talk him out of it.  Kelly said his friends became worried that he did not return to the condo.  Yes and they immediately formed a search party and contacted authorities.

Kelly said we did not travel to where he was.  Yes, to this day I can't even so much as look at a photo of Capitol Peak.

Kelly said he has a sister.  Yes Kerry is his sister.  Kelly said he is with his brother in Heaven.  Yes, I did have a miscarriage in the first trimester.  

Kelly said he was not married and did not live in pursuit of women.  Very yes.  He often stated that one of these would stop him from seeing the world and cost way too much.

Kelly stated he was dorky and quirky but intelligent.  That he completed two degrees and planned another degree but never got the chance.  Yes he was VERY quirky and we always called him quirky.  He had planned profusion school but his vision problems may have prevented this.

Kelly stated he loved games.  Yes he often mentioned game night with friends.  He was super competitive.  His friend taught him how to morel mushroom hunt and mentioned that Kelly turned it into a competition and soon became a better hunter than the teacher.

Kelly mentioned a guitar song was written for him, he said it was perfect.  Yes my aunt felt that Kelly compelled her to write and record a song called, "Somewhere Else".  She did not know him well, but she captured his personality in this song.

Kelly said there is a rock dedicated to him at his work that has his name on it.  Yes, his work peeps created a memorial rock and tree outside of the Trauma Center where he worked.  (When I texted my main contact at his work to tell them this, she said this fact stopped her in her tracks and she cried tears of joy and she told me when staff have a hard day they often go to the rock to think of Kelly).

Kelly said we have his artwork hanging, specifically a canvas, a landscape, and paper framed with drawings of people.  Yes exactly this.

Kelly said we have a memorial garden for him and it is unfinished and that Dad Ken transplanted Kelly's entire garden to our house.  And Kelly was with Ken for every dig.  Yes Ken transplanted everything and became super emotional upon hearing that Kelly was always there.

Kelly said we have pictures of him up and that we have Kelly's photos that he took himself of nature up.  Yes exactly true.

Kelly said I have a bracelet with a charm.  Yes Kelly's birthstone color with a hummingbird.

Kelly said we have a rock that was from his yard.  Yes Ken took a funny rock that they thought looked like an emerging sea creature.  It's now in our landscaping.

Lastly and Ken's absolute favorite because it was an inside joke between Ken and Kelly.  They had a great love of beech trees, they planted so many different types of them and Ken has planted a million trees in the three acre garden.  Whenever they would go to a nursery to ask for BEECH trees.  The salesperson always thought they were asking for PEACH trees.  So they retold those stories over and over and laughed each time.  So in the reading Fara said Kelly was saying dad plants a lot of PEACH trees.  Ken got a kick out of this one because he knows Kelly was referring to their inside joke. Kelly showed Fara a green fruit and she assumed that was apple trees but in fact it is PAW PAW trees.  Kelly tasted a paw paw once and knew he had to plant these trees and Fara is correct.  The fruit is green.

There was more but this could get way too long.  I have had a burden lifted off of my shoulders knowing that Kelly still exists.  Huge shout-out to Fara and HPH for all of the tools for a healing journey.  Would not be at this stage without you all!

~Kris McDermott

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