Like Suzanne Giesemann Says...a Total 'Set Up'
- Sep
- 5
- 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Rachael Smith, Guiherme Gadia, James, Adam Burns, Smith and Gadia Families, Raquel Cobar and Lana Hilgeman, holding their buttons, Sandy Burns and her Sister, Marion
Like Suzanne Giesemann Says… a Total ‘Set Up’
With our second HPH conference starting, my husband and I learned not to have expectations. We were open to what the spiritual world had in store for us and open to new connections. We wanted to see folks that we had connected with before, as well as make new ones. However, nothing could have prepared us for such a powerful and beautiful experience.
In the past year I have worked hard in establishing a connection with my son Guilherme, or Gui for short, through meditation and I am blessed to say that I have been very successful. We connect and I know when he is around me. One thing to note is that meditation is, essentially, the ability to ‘know thyself’ and to be able to distinguish your own energy field from others. That being said, I was able to know that as we arrived at the conference, I could sense an overwhelming energy in the atmosphere. I knew in my heart that my son and all of the other kids were responsible for that. As Suzanne Giesemann explained in her opening panel, we are guided and led by the Spirit and ‘set up’ by the other side. I could not have agreed more. This is why I have decided to share with everyone this amazing ‘set up’ from our kids.
The second day was upon us at the conference and we sat in a gallery reading hoping to hear from our son Gui. I knew that he was around us that morning. By the end of that session with Shelly Wilson and Lisa Wilcoxson, we began to head to the sound lounge for a session with Andrea. Something urged me to stay where we were. So we decided to go back to our seats, and attend Lisa’s session (continued relationship with our children) on how to pick up on other’s energy fields, especially other children.
As the session began, we were all instructed to go through a quick meditation and to focus on and try to interpret anything that might come to mind during this guided meditation. I thought, “this will be an easy one since I have been practicing” and expected to pick up where my usual meditations at home left off with my Gui. However, something wonderful and unexpected happened. A few minutes later I saw a very young girl with long wavy brown hair, light skin and beautiful features. She was standing next to my son, and I could tell that she had a very bubbly personality. I could feel that my son showed her to me for a reason. I also saw a vision of a ladybug and felt there was some sort of connection to her; that it meant something to her.
As Lisa went around the room asking people to share, I began second guessing myself and decided to let others share first. Unfortunately, by the time I gathered enough courage to raise my hand, the session had ended. I got up with a sense of urgency to find the mom of that little girl. I looked to my right to ask the other moms if anyone had seen a little girl at around nine to ten years of age. Most of the moms sitting next to us had boys, but I was reassured when two moms got up and said that they too had seen in their mind’s eye, a little girl with very similar qualities and close in age. I was so stunned to receive such a confirmation so quickly, so we ran to Lisa and told her about the girl. Lisa then told us to exchange numbers and promised us to get us a few sessions to develop our abilities. I understood that this was the best she could do for us, as the session had ended by this point and most people attending were getting up to leave. We were all in awe of what we had seen, so we exchanged numbers. Disappointed that I did not raise my hand in time to find the mom, I felt an intense urgency coming from this girl to connect with her parents. I turned to the other moms and said: “we are going to find her mom”.
As my husband and I headed to the main ballroom for the keynote session with Gordon Smith, an overwhelming feeling came over me that my son and two other boys were helping that girl, and that my son was counting on us. As we looked for seats, we decided to sit towards the last rows, which were pretty much empty. We placed our things before I decided to run to the bathroom just right before the session. As I went back to our seats, a lady I had not met before was seated in our row a few seats to my right. A few minutes later, her husband sat between her and me. I felt an extraordinary pull towards them and decided to gather courage to take a peek at their photo buttons.
I looked at the mom’s button and I saw a young girl. The Dad was wearing a different photo, and to me it seemed to be the same girl, but younger… that was the same girl I saw in my vision! I began to tell them everything that happened at Lisa’s session along with asking questions about her. They continued to tell me about their amazing daughter Rachael. I am shy by nature so it was a little overwhelming to tell all of this to two people I have never met, and also explaining to them that not only have I seen her but two other moms also felt their daughter’s presence. As we all realized the miracle that was unfolding, we all hugged and cried.
The session with Gordon was about to start, so we tried to settle into our seats (I could barely sit still, I wanted to let them know how much love I felt in my heart and that was coming from Rachael!) Gordon started reading for people across the room and I began to type in my phone what I could only see as a love message from Rachael to her parents Kelly and Darryl Smith. The message was short and clear; “Tell my mom and dad that I love them”. I felt very emotional and I began to cry tears of joy because I could feel how happy she was that we found each other and my son was also very happy too! At that exact moment, Gordon looked towards our direction and simply called out: Rachael Smith! Darryl and Kelly immediately stood up and Gordon began to read for them. Everything was happening so fast yet it felt that time stood still while the reading was going on. The last message that Gordon passed on was ‘Rachael wants you to know she loves you!’ Once Kelly and Darryl sat back down, I showed them the message I saved on my phone which Gordon had just validated. At this point, I was in a state of pure joy from having found Rachael’s parents and my son Gui helped make it happen!
We tried to connect with the other moms Sandy Burns and Candi Henley from Lisa’s session, but we were only able to meet with Sandy Burns and her sister. We sat by the pool and Sandy was able to look at the picture and confirm that was the girl she saw. In her picture she was fifteen, but looked very young for her age. Rachael passed at the age of twenty of surgical complications after heart valve replacement, due to infective endocarditis. She was a straight A student and her dream was to get into Medical school. Her passing was only a few weeks after diagnosis. The ladybug was the artwork that she made and is sitting at her dad’s desk. This was a huge confirmation for me, because I know with certainty that all the messages from my boy are valid and true! My amazing boy has worked so hard to connect back with me and to help me get back on my feet. He knew that Rachael could get her message to me. They believed in us before we even believed in ourselves. This was definitely a team effort ‘set up’!
The following days at the conference came with plenty of validations; standing in line to get coffee and the mom in front of me and I began making small talk and chit chat, I noticed she had a photo button that read “Rachel”. Her name is Lana Hilgemann and we shared a few things about our beloved kids. My husband orders room service and the person who answers from Guest Services is Rachel. My husband and I struck up a conversation with Jeff Driscoll one morning and we found out that his daughter ‘Rachel’ had also just passed on. Another amazing synchronicity that Kelly and Darryl point out is that Jeff O’Driscoll’s daughter Rachel’s last name was Smith as well. Lastly, one more person shares the name of this beautiful girl: myself. My name is Raquel…different spelling, but many people call me Rachel too.
I started documenting all of these signs to hopefully share with others one day but also wanted to make sure that Darryl and Kelly were on board. Honestly, I was second guessing if the timing was right after everything they’ve been through. But as we left our room to attend Jeff’s Driscoll’s keynote session, I opened the door and Darryl walked right in front of us. I guess that was my answer!
I can honestly say that the validations were undeniable and irrefutable. We had no idea of what the Spirit had in store for us, but I am glad we knew nothing about the total ‘set up’ our beautiful children Gui, Adam, James and Rachael had planned for us. That made this whole experience so much more validating and unique. I pray the message to Rachael’s parents will bring them hope for the future and beautiful connection from their amazing daughter.
Thinking back, I remember during the session with Lisa and Shelly, Lisa walked back to the end of the room and said that she was seeing ‘the boys locking up arms’… she was referring to the fact that they were only getting messages from girls across the veil. However, I do believe that the reason she saw boys joining forces was to get Rachel’s message through. If they can show collaboration and effort in helping each other, we can follow their example and do the same here on this side of the veil…again… total ‘set up’!
~With love, Raquel and Joe Cobar, Gui's mom
- Jenna Shepherd's Validation with her daughter Traci through Pauline Mason
- The Wisdom of Greg - Something Switched On.