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Sharing the Journey from Bereaved to Shining Light Parent
The Wisdom of Greg - Something Switched On.

The Wisdom of Greg - Something Switched On.

  • Posted
    • Sep
    • 5
    • 2024
by Elizabeth Boisson
Written by Susan Van Oije with Bill and Greg
Bill is just an ordinary guy who has had extraordinary things happen to him since the passing of his son Greg. Susan writes it all down. The Calgary, Canada affiliate leaders are on an amazing journey with their son. 
How is it possible to live 60 years of your life as one person, and then wake up one morning and discover you are a fundamentally different person with gifts and abilities that are truly out of this world?
Within just a few days after our son Greg's passing 10 years ago, it became very clear that Bill was no longer the same Bill that he was before Greg left this Earth.
The experiences he was having and the abilities he discovered in the days and months after Greg moved across the veil were astounding, and we're so grateful that they continue to this day.
I had no idea how to describe what was happening to my husband at the time, except to say, "Something switched on."
It got me thinking about what exactly switched on in Bill that wasn't there before our 27-year-old son transitioned, so I put together a list. The list sounds pretty "out there," but as Greg says, "It's all real and all true." And although it's fairly comprehensive, it's a partial list, because there are some things that we aren't ready to talk about yet...
After Greg's passing, Bill:
  • Experiences incredibly lucid dreams in which he interacts with Greg and others who are on the other side;
  • Hears Greg talking to him in his head during waking hours (Greg "pops in" to Bill's thoughts when he wants to talk to his son or Greg has something he wants to say);
  • Communicates with departed relatives and friends, including his parents and my Mom;
  • Hears our dog Riley talk to him (Greg gifted Riley to us one year after he passed);
  • Has dreams and meditations during which he travels the cosmos with our son, including seeing Earth from a distance, seeing Greg as a blue star, being weightless in the International Space Station, and traveling to other planets;
  • Sees the ceiling in our darkened bedroom open up to the stars;
  • Communicates with his team of guides who call themselves The Ancients (Greg is one of those guides);
  • Although having had no religious upbringing, communicates in a deeply spiritual way with what can only be described as a Biblical array of higher beings, including Jesus (who, besides being exactly as you think He might be, has a great sense of humor!), Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, the Archangel Gabriel, a cherub named Red, and several Apostles;
  • Automatic writes incredibly detailed and helpful messages from Greg and his other guides;
  • Sees Greg's outline, or aura, in our darkened bedroom, and has several times seen Greg materialize as a body form beside him during a meditation;
  • Views past lives in his dreams and meditations (Bill has been shown several past lives that we have lived together);
  • Often finds himself enveloped in a thick cloud of purple, green and yellow colors when he gets up in the dark at night, to the point where he can't see where he's going and has to stand still until he can (Bill knows when this happens that Greg is present);
  • Astral projects (travels outside of his body), especially during his meditations, to other dimensions and connects with other souls there;
  • Has glimpses of future events (clairvoyance);
  • Interacts in dreams and meditations with what he has learned is his spirit animal, a jaguar; 
  • Participated in a shared death experience (SDE) with my Mom and Greg when she passed a few months ago; and 
  • Works with his chakras after being introduced to their importance in his dreams and meditations, because he's learned that everything is energy.
Bill knows that the trauma of Greg's passing "switched on" his new abilities, and he has words of hope for all Shining Light Parents based on his experiences: "What has happened to me and what I have seen and experienced is so absolutely out-of-this-world amazing and beautiful, and it offers proof that our children are in a realm of magnificence and miracles. They're in a place of love and magic, and I know that because of all the things that happened to me after Greg passed."
Greg's passing put Bill on his knees after a lifetime of self-will, and he believes that act of surrender to God's will is what started the miracles flowing. Before writing this column, I asked Bill to ask Greg why "something switched on," and here's what Greg said:
"You surrendered and dropped your defenses so you could receive Source energy from the Creator, and with that are all the miracles - the dreams, the clairvoyance, all those things - contained in that energy. It was part of your soul plan. It was your time and you were ready. You set out to accomplish that in this reincarnation." Greg has called this becoming "reachable and teachable."
We were delighted to just recently learn from our son that there is a term for what happened to his Dad, a term that's more specific than "something switched on": kundalini awakening. 
According to the Gaia website, a kundalini awakening is "a profound and transformative spiritual experience that involves the awakening of dormant energy at the base of the spine. Kundalini translates to coiled or spiral-shaped energy in Sanskrit. In the yogic and esoteric traditions, it is believed that every individual possesses a coiled, dormant energy known as kundalini, which, when activated (often triggered by trauma), rises through the seven energy centers, or chakras, along the spine.
"This awakening is often described as a powerful surge of energy that can lead to heightened states of consciousness, self-realization, and spiritual enlightenment. While the experience varies from person to person, common signs of a kundalini awakening include intense energy sensations, altered states of consciousness, heightened intuition, and a deep sense of interconnectedness with the universe. It is considered a life-changing step on the path to spiritual growth and self-discovery." 
In next month's column, we'll share the next natural progression of this knowledge: a dive into the chakras and how energizing and rebooting them are key to our body and soul progression.
If you want to hear more about our amazing experiences, Bill and I have twice spoken to HPH and the videos are available on the HPH YouTube channel: click here HPH welcomed Susan & Bill Van Oije, 'From Wow to How!' ( for our most recent video detailing the beautiful messages Greg gives us about how to live our best life in this very challenging place and grow our souls, and click here On February 3rd, Bill Van Oije spoke to Helping Parents Heal ( for the video in which Bill shares some of the astounding signs we've received from our son. 

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