Susan Lynch's Validation with her son Kevin through Jennifer Brazier
- Sep
- 2
- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
My reading with Jennifer Brazier: My son Kevin, “Kev” as we often called him, transitioned on October 3, 2015. Since then, I’ve been learning how to have a new relationship with him in spirit. Since a big part of any relationship is communication, I always ask Kevin to “talk” to me in a way that I can understand. A bit of backstory: A few years ago, I asked Kevin for a daisy as a sign to let me know he was listening to me- it was the first thing that popped into my head. That same day, I received a daisy sign, and in some form or another, I received daisy signs for six consecutive days after. Since then, when I see or hear about daisies, I know Kev is saying hello or answering me in some way.
Recently, I’ve been going through a very difficult family situation. I asked Kevin for his help and a sign to let me know he was helping in some way. That evening, my friend who knew about Kevin and the daises (but not my current family problem) sent me this photo she had taken on her walk. I told my friend I just had a talk with Kevin a few hours prior and thanked her for thinking of me and passing along the sign. I felt better knowing Kevin was listening and around. Twenty minutes later, I received a text from Irene Vouvalides, Vice President of Helping Parents Heal. Irene asked me if there was any chance I could jump on the HPH Zoom call. They had a medium, Jennifer Brazier, who had a Kevin in spirit who was often called by Kev. He was with his dog in spirit and his mom had a new dog in the house. That described my situation exactly!
While Jennifer was waiting for me to get on the call, she moved to the next child coming through. She had a girl in spirit saying, “She is not telling me her name. She is playing a game with me. She’s giving me different flower names but I wanna stick with Daisy”... Before she went into the girl’s reading, Jennifer said, “We are going to connect the Kevin piece also.” When Jennifer finally spoke to me directly, she said, “He is moving heaven and earth to let you know he’s thinking about you.” She then relayed a message from Kevin saying, “My mom knows that I’m OK. Today, I want to let my mom know that she needs to be OK.” This is 100% true. I know Kevin is perfectly well. My concern was not for Kevin, it was for a living family member who is struggling. Susan and Kev 2009 Jennifer then says, “He’s talking about a book that you have. This is not a book you are reading every night. I feel like it is in your living room and every once in a while you open it. You have it dog-eared or highlighted.” “Do you have a book?” I reply, “I wrote a book.”
What I didn’t say in the reading is that I have been touring around my state giving presentations on my book, Life After Kevin, during which I read specific excerpts that I have marked. I have a copy in my living room. Kevin had been emphasizing the color blue when Jennifer asked if the cover of my book was blue?” I said yes but before I showed her the cover she said, “I feel there is something either being pulled or dragged, almost like lights.” Front and back cover of my memoir, Life After Kevin I wish I had a picture of Jennifer’s face when she saw the cover! She was so excited to see DAISIES looking like they were being pulled across the cover!
I didn’t think to open the book so everyone could see the daisies stretching over the back cover as well. The daisies certainly are metaphorical “lights” to me! I know from attending previous gallery readings that people in spirit can help bring messages through for someone else. I know the little girl that showed up after Kevin was helping Kevin by mentioning the name “Daisy”. My sincere gratitude goes to Jennifer Brazier, Irene Vouvalides, Elizabeth Boisson, the girl in spirit, and of course, my Kev. Our kids are with us. Always.
With love and gratitude,
~Susan Lynch “Kevin’s Mom”
Please watch the YouTube video by clicking here.
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