Tony Allen's Validation with his Son Tyler
- Jun
- 25
- 2019
by Elizabeth Boisson
Hi, my name is Tony Allen and Tyler is my son. I wanted to talk about what happened during my wife Carol's Cave Creek meeting.
During our sharing session, my wife's phone started ringing, I got up to put it on vibrate and saw it said potential spam. Lisa Wilcoxson, a shining light parent who is also a medium said: "That is Tyler calling, look at the numbers after the meeting and see if the numbers mean anything to you".
A few minutes later, my mother-in-law's phone started to ring as well, I have never heard her phone ring before, I didn't even know she had a phone. As she ran to grab it she said: "It says spam". Ironically my mother-in-law's ring tone was identical to Tyler's ring tone. I haven't heard that ring tone since Tyler's passing. It is an uncommon ring tone. My mother-in-law had no idea she had the same ring tone as Tyler.
After the meeting ended I went to look at the numbers on my wife's phone from her potential spam call and it was a bunch of 5's and 6's. We could add the numbers to 11 three times. One of the signs we continuously get from Tyler is either the number 11 or numbers that add to 11. We know it was Tyler.
-Written Tyler's Dad, Tony Allen