Valerie Maerowtiz's Validation with her son Daniel through Beth Lynch
- Sep
- 23
- 2023
by Elizabeth Boisson
It was wonderful to hear from my Daniel again through Beth Lynch on September 19th.
This time around her connection with my son was short but much needed as we are getting close to Daniel’s transition date in the beginning of October. It has been incredibly difficult lately (as you all well know) that is why the message of love and that all of our kids are OK was so timely and appreciated. In fact, the night of the HPH meeting with Beth, was Daniel’s Yahrzeit’ (date of passing according to Hebrew calendar, meaning “time of the year” in memory of the departed ones when we light a candle; it changes annually).
Daniel came through the last moment by mentioning sail boats as his connection was via sailing lessons that he took when he was much younger. After the HPH call, I remembered and looked up a piece of his interview for SF Gate when we were watching Larry Ellison’s Oracle Racing in the Bay in 2008. I am including it here as I think it is so funny and so descriptive of my amazing son: “Daniel Maerowitz, an 11-year-old sailing enthusiast from San Francisco, was impressed as he hung his body over the ledge of the deck at Pier 39 to get a closer look. "I'm amazed they have the guts to go out there in this weather," he said. "The guys have to go side to side to keep (the skiff) up. It's like a giant surfboard." Turning to his mother, he said, "I would do this if my mom would let me."
I hope you can do it now Daniel (after all, you said that you are learning)! Daniel loved anything maritime, and Captain was his nickname for a long time. My husband’s commemorative car license plate reflects this nickname tribute to Daniel as well. My husband also has an old-fashioned collectable telephone that Beth kept on mentioning. In any case, Daniel’s message of taking the pain away is all I needed to hear yesterday.
Thank you, amazing Beth Lynch, and Thank you for ALL you do Elizabeth and Irene; this unexpected journey with HPH has literally been a life saver for me,
~Love Valerie, Daniel's mom
Please watch Beth Lynch's video from September 19th by clicking here.
- Hope Duffy's Validations from her Daughter Gabby from Beth Lynch
- Dr. Mark Pistick's Q & A about our Caring Listeners